Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CH.3.1a. t. Chr730 .t;. L4Commentarie vpon the bers and roomes adioyned vnto the Temple, that they might waive on their offices, and be readie for their feruices: and there is no reafon why the Minifers of the Gofpel, fhould not now as diligently waite on their office ascheyvnder the law: vnleff we will fay, that thehanding Mini - f+erie of the newe TeRament is not fo neceffarie, not fo certaine as that walkingMinifìerieofthe old. LetMiniflers cherefore fee, that the oc- cafions of leauing their flockes for a time, bevrgent and weightie; not pretences proceeding from couetoufneffe, nor ambition, nor any other fnifier refpeét : neither let them dare to remooue themiclues ( no not for a while) but for forne occasions which are more neceffarie then the attending of the flocke : for howfoeuer they may fhrowd themfelues by theproteêtion of humane laws, yet in the court ofconfcience onely fuch neceffary and weighty occafions will beak plea, and giue aman kaue for a time to be abfent. Oft. a. As it mutt not bea final) marrer, that muff draw a Minif+er frû hischarge, Coiffuch waighty occafions fall out, as require the gifts of fome men tobe otherwife employed for the time for the greater good ofthe Church, then in his private charge; then we fee what muff be our rule. IfTitus be remooued, an Artemuor Tychictu, a faithfuls and fur- nifhcd man muff be lent in his roome; that while the whole bodie is ca- red for, no particular member be loft or negle&ed. Where alto great and noblemen may beput in minde, what a greiuous firne they bring vpon themfelucs, when they call Minigers from their charges into their houles, or vino the feas, or any fuchemployment,and in the meane time negleét to provide fuficiently for their flocks :and the (inne is the grea- ter, in that they might be ordinarily better ferued by fetch as haue no charges; and why fhould they not rather fend to the' Vniuerficies, then to the Churches, ifticydid not chufe to wrong them both, when as yet no neceffirievrgeth or forceth them hereunto ? Vet í. i 3. Bring Zenas the expounder ofthe Lawe, and eflpollos on their Toarney diligently that they 1ackle nothing. In this verle is contained the fecond private butnes which is enioy_ nedTitue,cómanding him that he fhould let forwardon theiriourney,both Zenas let our by his profeffion, an expounder ofthe Lawe and Apollo:: and this he fhould doe, s. by accompanying them in Tome part of their way: and 2. by prouiding that they wanted noneceffarie for their long iour- ny being to faile fróGreta into Grecia. For theperfons ofZenasand A- pollos,chey were Apoftolikemen,of notablegifts for the Miniflerie.The former is here Paid tobe by profeffionan expounderofthe lawe,that is, ofMofes law,(as is mot+ likely) rather then the ciuill )awe : but howfo- euer,he was not like our Lawyers,he ioynedhimfelfe with Apollos,and was.