Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EpifdkofS. Pod to Titus. CsuP.3.13 was apooreman,andhadwanted but for the churches contribution:Por Apollos we that hewas aneloquentman mightie in the Scriptures e tur, and ferment in the f iris: yea fo powerfull in his doé}tine, as that offome he was accounted not inferiour to the cheifeApofiles: for as fore Paid they were Pauls,fo fomecleauedtoe. pa/kr, as other forne to Cephas: and therefore both of themwere worthy to be refpeE ed by Titus who therefore muff }per- foreae ynto them thispart of ChrilUan curtefie, to lead them forth on their way. Dear. Whence note that Chrif}ianity hindreth not, but commen- deth and enioyneth ciuill curtefie and all kinde of humanitie. For 1. whatfoeucrpertaineth ro lane and good report ,that muti beleeuersthinke on anddoe,Philip.4. Secondly, the wifedore which is from aboue is gentle, peaceable,full ofmercieandgoadfruits , Iam.3.17. Thirdly, thofe 731 t.Cor.r;ta. Chriftianiry enioynechan kindof curta fie. Aeafc. 2 many cotnmandemets, that Chrifiians fhouldfalure and greete one an o - 3 ther,and that with an holy kiffe, i.Thett. 5.26. called by Peter the kiffe r.Pet.s.y. ofloue; vfuall in chofeEati countries, by whichoutward teflimony they declared mutuall loue andkindneffe. Fourthly, outwardcurtefie is ane- 4 ceffary vertue euen for the maintaining of the bond of Chrifiian peace: yea auaileth much for the dourifhing and encreafing the communionof Saints, and focietie with Godspeople. Fifthly, ho w difgracefull a thing S were it for the profeflion ofChritl,that fuch asprofeffe faith in the Lord Iefus,fhould thew themfelues inhumane or hoggifh ; who fhould be as lambes, and little children, for fuch are they who haue entred into the E5 1,., kingdome ofChrifi, as the Prophet witneffeth. Let this point therefore be well thought of, that as faith and loue cannot be feparate; fo mutt good confcience andgoodmanners goe together. Now for this fpeciall branchofcurtefie,to bring the feruants ofGod and the Church on in their Tourney; it is from an inferiour to a fuperiour adutyofhonour, as we fee inBarzillai, 2.Satn. t9.36.who would go o- per Iordan with kingDauid,& feu him fo far on his way to Ierufaletn, & then returneback to Gilead.And of theequal' to the equal' it is a dude ofkindnes; and towards the teacherof both: and as it feemeth , was ve- ry common among beleeuers in the Apotiles times. Thus we read how the Elders ofthe Church ofEphefus accompaniedPaul to the fhip,Abi. 20. 3 8. fo the di fciples whom he found at Tyrus , with their wines and children accompanied himout ofthe cicy,A&.x t.s.yeafoordinary was this cutiome among them,that he maketh full account ofit before hand: Rom. Is. 24. When I Jhalltake my iourney into Spain , 1will comebyyou, for ! truJifolicyou , andbe brought on my way by you and commendeth as a feemly duty among the Saints, 3.Ioh.6, Gaius hauing receiued be- leeuiñg,