Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAp.I.14. Commentarie vpon the 73 a orangers the Apofile fpeakiig to himofthem, faith ,Whom iftheta brin- á efl on their Tourney(as it befeemeth according to God) thoudoefrwell. Such as are to The fecond duty enioyned Tittrt concerning them is , that he fuller the Lords swork them to want nothing. They were employed in the Lords worke , and mutt be fully prouidcd therefore mull be cared for fo much the more. For t. what cat, be more for that they wine nocóing. equal! then that he that labouceth in the Golpe! ihou!dliue of the Go. s. cor.9.u. fpel? or that thole who low fpirituall things Mould reape temporal!? roat.`' The law ofnature bindeth to releeue the parents in time of want, The law of God chargeth in moe places then one ,neuer to forfake the Le- uiteall the dayes ofthy life. The !awes of all nations allow their Cap- taines and (landart-bearers a liberal( and honourable (iipend: and Coffer not any common foldier to goe towarrefare vpon his owne charge. And veryvuequall were it that any fhould feed a flocke, andnoteace of the mike, or plant avinyard and not tall of the fruir. And how much more are there fpirituall Fathers to be releeued ? howmuch letfe should the Minitiers who are the Lords Souldiers,Captains, and Standart_bea- vers goe to warm of their owne colis ? how much more thouid the Lords fhepheard cate ofthe milkeofhis flocke? and the labourers in his 2 vinyard eace ofthe fruite ? z. Ifwe goe from the men to their tidings, chele be fuchas ought to bring theirperfonslnto acceptance with vs: :.saa,t8.27. That asDauidfaidofAhimaaz, beeit agood man , and bringethgoodty- dings : fo becaufe of their good tydings we mull encertaineGods Mini - f1ers as good men. Hence the Apolile commandethvs, to receiue fuch, and haste thew in fingalar loue, for their workes fake: Phil. 2.29. ;. The 3 godly who profeffelouevnto the truth, may not neglebt fuch as are the publilhers ofit, but cheerefully minifier unto their neceflicies, to the end that thereby themfelues may be helpers to the truth. 3. Epifl. Iob. 7. But efpecially ifany fuf}er for bearing witneffe vncoany part of Gods truth; towards fuchGods people mull enlarge their bowells , and euen tiretch their bell abillity to helpe vp that part ofthe truth , which Saran andhis intiruments feckewith violenceto obfcure or fuppreffe: and the rather, becaufe chefe-fuffrings areendured for the truth ; and for them, 4 whohaue as good a right in it, as their teachers themfelues. 4. For this caufe alto ought the faithfull tocomfort and encourage the mcfl'engers ofGod;that therein they may reape a fweet fruit of their labours, and may reioyce in them,óot in their gift fo much ; as in that iris fruitwhich fur:hereththeir owne reckoning.P h i 1.4. r 7. Now all thefe reafonsare inch as fuller not any profeffor to shut vp his loue in his ownePallor (although he is firli bound veto him)buc cal for the duty in general! to euery one that worketh in the fame worke, according as their necetftieand occafions shallbe : not onely ourowne Titus,