Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EprflleofS. PadroTitus. Titus, but even Artemas,andTychicus (fuppofeffrAngerswhich for bit names f egoe forth,3.1011.7.)mu(f bekindly difmiífed,and not fens away empty. This is a doctrinewhich is much negle&ed of too many which profetfe loue to the truth euen in thefe dayes,whichmore lowdlycall for it,then in many ages before. Verf.t 4. And let ears*If* learnt, tothereforth goodworkes for neceffarie vfes,thest they he not vnfruitfull. TheApofile hauingenioyned Titus to make fo frankea fupply for Ze- nas,and Apollos,that they fhould not want any thing for their iouruey; Titus might demaund,but where fhould I haue toprouide for them;(for it is certaine, that Titus was not now a manof fuck (fate and wealth , as thole who fay they are like him: )theApotile therefore anfwereth that fecret obie&ioti in thefe words, Letours learntoßiewe forthgoodworkes the fruites oftheir faith, efpecially for fuch necelí'arie viesofthe Church as this is: amine them not in vnnece ffarie things, but for fuch neceífarie vies let them firaine themfelues; that theymay berich in good wot kes and not vnfrairfull. The verfe ftandethofa precept , and a reafen. In the precept three points are tobe confidered , t. what are thefegoodworkes meant. .whoare boundefpecially vnco them, Let oursloarne. 3. what are theneceffarievfes ofthefe and fuch like good workes. Firft,bygood workes are not properly here meant, all fuch actions in generall as are thus flyled in the Scripture : but in fpeciall thofe of bountifulnes and beneficence :both becaufe chof former were called for in the f3. ver. ofthis Chapter, as alto in that thefe are efpecially fuited vnto this argument. Now theft arc commended to the practilc of the faiihfull by the title ofdignitie, in that they arc called goodworkes: not that they are fo abfolutely andperfedly good,as that there is no Gene in them;(as thePapias contend)for the bell workesare good onely in Beli,rr.ae io. part fo farre as they proceed from the fpiric,and from grace : and in part 'f , crs.rr. corrupt as they come from flefh& corrupt nature:ofwhich two(name- Iy, flefh and (pmt) cuery regenerate man conG(feth : and therefore eue- ry aÔlioncannotb.r:'fauour of the fountaine from whence it Lireameth. Iilt be laid,that God is the author ofeuery good worke; who becaufe he is perfectly good, cannot effecî any thing which is not perfectly good. The anfwer is, that howfeeucr curry woke of God it perfe5l, Dee, ;a q which lice Both in and by himfelfe, yet loch as he doth in and by man, who is another author, and actor of them, cannot but drawe imperfediion from him. And whereas it is laid , if good workes were finnefull, thenought we not to doe them: the anfwer is, that we mull not therefore rcfufe todoe them , becaufe they arenot limply eulll : but in themfelues good, andpartly good in the doer : commended to our pra. CiHAP.; ,13. 733 Sinon bbes prouidesnt tub. di:i roi, Aquin. in locum.