Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Cxnr.3.14. Comrneatarie vpon the 734 praetife by God, of whom they are reputed good workes ; and in his Chri(I pardoning the defe&s of them for our encouragement, accoun tech of them as if there were no finne at all in them. Whence note, that workes are fo far from iufiifying,as that weare not ableco anfwer one for ten thoufand ofthem: and that it is the mercy ofGod , and not thedignityofthem, which bringeth this (lutevpon them. Secondly, of whom goodworker are called for ; Let ours , called in the S.verfe boleewers in God. Ours, who areconuerted andconfirmed in the faith by thy labour andmine ; of thefecall for good workes. For this is thefirfl conditionof any good worke, that the worker mull: vbi Chti1tus be abeleeuee inChriff. For s. make the tree good, and then the fruit non eft Funda- mcneumibi nut will begood : he mull be a man that hash learned by thedottrine of the tom eft boni °. Gofpel to doea good worke, as the words of the verfe imply. 2. the Inds mdifieium ercgor.dcc, heart, the f'ountainc ofall ahons is naturally corrupt with originalI fin, and the membersare weapons ofvnrighteoufneffe: and therefore before the heart be purified by faith, thebell aéiions palling through our vn- derfiandings, wills,affeéfions, and parrs, can no more auoid tainture and pollution, thencan the fweerefi wafer running througha muddie channell,or thepurefl liquor handing in a fuflieveffell. 3. He that be-. ing an vnbeleeuer hath not the bonne ; neither bath the fpirit of the Sonne; andconfequently cannot fend forth anyfruires of the fpirit: the Sonne bathnot ter him free,but he is bound hand and foote,andnot able tomooue in any one a6lion of fpirituall life. 4. Hee that cannot pray by the fpirir, cannot bring forth any worke tritely good;nothingcan be donewithout prayer ; the 'Lord mull giue flrength, the will , and the deed : he muff teachvs toworke , fec vs in ,and hold vs on in wor- king : bee mutt glue it fuccetfe and bieffrng,andmake it fruitfull to our and others : and without the prayer of faith , nothing of this is ttom.tq.vit. obtained, S. without faith it is impofble to ple4fe God: for to euery tieb.rt 6. goodworke are required mart aéiions of faith. Fora. enerall faith Faithcloth fine g q y g aCtions to nuke muff make and warrant it good in the matter; and know it to be corn- any O1ke manded or allowed in theword: for that is a good vrcrkwhich God wil I hauedone:and good intentions ifthey roue without a word, make no- 2 thing good, z. Speciali faithmull know theaétion to be good in the worker renewed in part , and accepted in Chriff; who coucreth the fpots and imperfeétionsoftheworke:for theLord fire( refpeéteth theperfon, 2 and then the worke ; fir(( Abel, and then his facrifice. 3. Faith loo- Enchof good workes. kerb that the workebe good in the endos of it; a bad end fpoilech the a bell aétion. Now the right ends of a good worke are, a. Gods glory: for as all riuers goeout of the fea,añd returneagaine into the fea; fo all God,fo aétions as theycome from they tend veto him againe : be they