Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Ept flieofS. PodtoVita. CHAP. ;.iq. they the leaf} and loweß, cue° eating, drinking, or whatfoetter elfe,all mufi< be doneto the glory of God. 2.The goodof our orethren, and edification of men: for this ende Chrißiaus muit make their light to thine a- broad beforemen : and the wholelaw sefulfilled in this ans word , Thou aft lone thy neighbour at thyfelfe. 3. The exereife of our ownegrater, by doingour owne duties toGodand man : not felfe-pleafing , profi- ting, praife,feare,(hame, or fuch other finißer ends , as (way with the vnregencrate : but as is the endofthe commaundemenc, fo muri it be of our obedience, which is lone out of a pure heart, and faith vnfained, {.Tim. t.5. 4. Faith will prouide that good anions be compaffed by good meaues : we mayNot doe mill that good may come ofit. It was Rebecca her finne todraw the promifed bleflrng vpon Iacob by deceit: and Lots infirmicie to feeke deliuerance from the Sodomites by prof i- tuting his daughters. And though fometimes bad meanesfucceed,and the Lordby anouerruling power bring light out of darkeneffe yet is there alwaies id} matter of mourning andhumiliation. 5. Faith will hauerefpe& to good circunstiances , as times , places , perfons,&e. the fayling wherein , often blemifheth moll bewtifull anions , and caufe them to mifcarie andproouevnfuccesfull. In a word , faith in the heart is moll careful! to doe good thingswell : and becaufe it knoweth that when it bath done theWI it can , yet all that feruice is vnprofitable,it clafpeth fail hold vpon the righteou lnesof Chrili , and will be found in that righteoufnes which isbyfaith in him,Phil.3.And therefore as for all o- ther,(o for this goodworkc ofbeneficence and lout to the Saints, the Apolile witheth Titus togo to beleeuers,withwhom hemight bebold: as who had receiued a fpirit ofeffetluall faith,working in obedience to God,and loue to Gods people,and couldnot fuller them to be either i- dle,orvnfruitfull in the worke ofthe Lord. Well knew the Apoßlethat tokaue Pent him elfewhereon this errand,it hadbeenebut the loffe of both their labours; here he knew he (hould (peed or no where. Soas we may conclude this point with that fpeachofAogufrtine,Wherefaith is not, nogood worke can be. The third point in the precept is,that there good works muli be (hew- ed forth for nece(rarie vfes r why Chrißians fhould (lime forth good workes I haue formerly {hewed inhandling the 8.verfeofthisChapter, and thereforewil come todeclare what are the neceffary vies in general offuck: good works as are here called for.And here wemilli know, that theRomi(h Churchbath not more boldly thenblafphemoufly pretéded many neceffaryvies of good workes,which the Scriptures(neuer inten- ding to let them vp in theplace ofChriß) are far fromacknowledging: a tail whereof 1 haue giuen inafewe pottious which arcßrinly defen- ded 735 3 Gen.tç Nemo comp*. terbona opera tua ante fideo, vbi fides non e- rat bonumn' pus non truth-) Plal,,o.przfat. Vie of good workes,what theyarc nut.