Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAn.3.14. 4Comssevtarie von the 736 dedby the pillars ofthat Church. As , t.That good workes prepare a man tohis iuflification , whereas the former point (hewed , that a man may be a iuflifiedperfon beforehe can doe a goodworke. a. That they cat.a r6. doe iu(lific the perfon of theworker beforeGod : notwithfianding the Loquitur Apo- Apoflle faith , that by the worker of the Laweno ffefb can be i:YfEified. 3. Rulusde omni. That they make menmoreiufl bya fecond iuflification:whichdiflinei- bus operibus tamcerenroni on ofthe firfl and fecond iuflification is a dreame of their owne, not móui óusñ. grounded in the Scriptures, nor onceheard ofin the Church, at the lean quin.in cap. ;. fourteene hundredyeares after Chrifl and his Apofiles. 4.That they fa- ad rat.leftt, Toller.inilr. tisfie Gods luflicefor temporalipunifhment. 5.That they merit heauen, facer.lib.s..a. yeaa greaterdegree ofglory in heauen. 6.That theypurge away finues. Concil.Trid. ..That theyapplyChrifls merit to purge them. 8. That they merit at fett.6.c4s. Rbem.onMar. Gods hand for ones felfe andothers. 9. That they free from purgatory 6.feft.a. paines. to.That aman may raife his trufl in God from them. All which l',ellarm.lib.s. Y dc iuftif.capr. withmanyother blafphemous tenures of this kind,direélly thrufl Chrifl fromhis throne,and make himbut halle aSauiour at themofa, and con - fequently no Sauiour at all.It would draw is point furtherthen would well fit a commentarie todifpute here thefe poficions with them, and therefore intending our butnes inhand,and taking themention offilch heretical' blafphemies in this auditorie to be no final' refutation; we comeco thofeneceffary vieswhich are warranted byexprefle Scripture, yea and thence commended vnto vsboth in regard of t.God, 2.our xeeerf:ty.fer neighbour, 3.our felues. ofgoodWorks. Firfl,in regard ofGod goodworkes haue their neceffarievies.As, r. t.In afpad of that his namemaybe glorifiedby the profefforsofit:for it tendsgreatly i tohis praife,when in fuchworks ashimfelfehach commanded, his chi'. dren teftifie their obedienceand thankefulneffe. a. that his Gofpel may 3 be beautifiedand adorned: ofwhich fee, cap.2.t o. 3. that himfelfe may beplcafed anddelighted ( as men with fweet finels) with fuch fweete finellingfacrificer as chafebe,Heb. r 3.t 6.Phil.4.t8. thefe are themyrrhe, and the fpicewhich Chrifl gathereth whenhe commethinto his garden, Cant.s.r. rneigh Secondly, inrefpeôtofour neighbour there good workesof merde boon and beneficencehaue their excellent and neceffarie vies: foreueryChri- flian is a fruitful' branchofthat vine, whereby both Godand man is cheated. And whereasour neighbour iseither vnconuerted, orcenuerted, they wantnot their fpeciall vfe in regardofthemboth. Firfr, for thevnconuerted,theyare either dal,or reprobate. If they be eletl, theymay hence be prepared to their conuerfion , and wonnewen without theword,to the likingof theword and profeffion, which they ,fee foholy, fo charitable,and foplentiful' in goodworks.Thus faith the Apo-