Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Epifikof S. Padto Titus. CHnr.3.14. Apo(t1e, that vnbeleeuing husbands may withoutthe word be wonne by 737 thegodlyconuerfationoftheir wines : and the fame Apotile exhorteth the ,.pct.3,. fcatceredand concerted Iewes, tohaue their conuerfation honej1 among the Gentiles, that theywhich nowdid fpeake euill of them as euill do- ers, might by theirgoodworkesbee prouoked toglorifteGod in the day of their vifitati6.But ifthey bewickedandbelong not toGod,yet by the god- ,.Peaa.rs lyHues ofprofe(fors they (hal be,,.reftrained,that theycannot fo bold- ly rufh into and tumble in their fumes as theywould: nomore then He. rodiascould quietly enjoy her finne fo long as IohnBapti(i was aline, Mark. 6.19. 2. they fhall haue their mouthes ftopt and put to filence, when they would gladly open them wide againfi the truth, and the pro- feffors ofit: And thisis thewill ofGod,that byweldoing wee put tofilence the t.peuars. ignorance offoolifhmen.;.they Thal be conuinced and condemned in their confciences,and foprepared for the iudgement of God : and thus the Qeene of the South condemned the lewes;and Noahby building the Arke condemned the old-world,Heb.11.7. Secondly, Iftheneighbour beconuerted, he is eitherweake, and then he is hereby confirmed,ftrengthened,and brought on: or els he isjfrong, and thenhe is furtherprouoked, yea his heart isgladded, tut further knit to fuch aone,as inwhom he feeth fuch fparklesof Gods image to (hine. And thus was Titus his inwardaffeîíion more abundant toward the Co- a.cor.y.if. rinchs,when heremembred the obedience ofthem all: fowas Pauls allo by the faith and grace ofthe Philippians,l.g. Thirdly, in regard ofourfelues, they hauemany necefl'ary and profi- 3.ofourfclue,. tablevies : As, 1.to make our eleótion Pure toour felues, 2. Per. too. z. we may by them difcerne the foundnefíeof our own graces: as facing 2 knowledge willbe operaciue,liuely faith will be working,effeetual loue wil be an hand giving out,found hope wil be purging,Chrifiian thank- fulnes willappeare in goodworks,which arecalled facrificesof thankf- giuing, truecharity and mercifulneffe will go beyond that mouth-mer- tam244 cie ofwhich Iames fpeaketh:for elfe all is vnfound; whofoeuer,faith he, loueth God, and keepeth not his commandements, is a lyar, i,Ioh.2.3. for that loue ofGodor men is vn found which is in tongue &word ,but not indeed and cruth,as witneffeththe Apofile, l.Ioh.3.18. 3. by thefe opera ion rune fruits other menaltomay difcern the foundnes of our faith andgraces: cauf, quoa,:i. for although good works cannot iuf(ifie the perf6 before God,yec they Púäáúéáa.' mull iuttifie the faithof theperfon before men:and therfore Iames faith, porius execs. fhetee me thyfaith by thy workes: and of Abel is Paid, that he obtained feit;L &,ü` witnes that he was righteous,in that he offredabetter facrificeth ë Cain, airia.Aquin.in Heb.11.4. 4. Theydoe our felues goodboth in this life, and in the life to come. z. In this life they profit vs in our outward eftate and inward. 4 They 1