Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

.--- CHAP./.14. 733 Proe,».r. c,><Co,wanenißrie Vol* the They bringble(Tng to our outwardefhate: for God hash promifed,:hay he that watereth[hall banerain , and tbat the merciftellman/ball net want: yea, they drawe vponvs not onely the bleffingofGod, but ofmen alto, whoblefle the merciful! man by manyprayers;which Iobmade no(mall account of,when in thedepth ofhisdiftreffe,hereby he comforted him- felfe, that the bidingof the poorecame vponhjm. Thus Onefiphorus his mercy towards Paul,beeing at Rome in trouble,brought the feruent prayers of fo greatanApoflle.vpon himfelfe and his houle, a.Tim.t.a8. Befides this they doe our names good, andhelp topurchafe a good re- port, which is better then apretions oyntment. Abraham by his workes was commended that he wasiufl, lam.2.' r. and of the good andmer- ci full man it is Paid, that his name (hall not beput out.As for our inward e¡fwe, they make that farce more thriuing : for euery grace is fìrengthe- ned by the exercife ofit,as no talent was fed but to encreafe ; for as prayer is increafedbypraying,and knowledgeby inftru6ting,fo is loue by almes, and mercy by diftributing; without which exercife all would ruff, andbecomeas a fword kept in the fcabbard , till the heart become like the fluggards field, ouergrownewith thornes and briars, butmofi vnready to any good worke. a. In the life to come theyareprofitable,for they procure amercifull reward: and beeinga[owing to thefpirit , we (hall reape of them in the barueu lifeeuerlafling : yea and more, they procure a proportionable meafure ofglory; for according to the meafure of faith and grace in the worke, the recompence may well be thought to be : a coppe ofcold water (hall not lode the reward ; but yet he that foweth more liberally (hall more liberally reape. And as in hell aredegrees of torments , for Come (hall be beatenwithmere_gripes , formwith fewer : and it (hall be eafier with Come then other andyet boat condemned : fo is it probably held,thst inheauen (hall bedegreesofglory,(for fotne (hall (hitless the firmament,fomeas the flarres, in which is greater light; yea one flarre differech from another in glory) and this according to the gayning of talents , for he that gainethflue talents (hall rule ouer flue cities, and he (hall ruleouer tenne cities that bath gayned tenne talents. Not chat the gayningofthe talents mericethany loch recompence; no more then a cup ofcold water giuen toa difciple in the nameofa difciple , or amite tali into thecreafury : neitherof which (hall look their reward; but beeaufe faithfull is he which bath promifed. life. z. This doétrine meetethwith that (launderous imputationof the Church of Rome againft our doL`lrine: who bene the world in hand,that our religion is adefiroyer of good workes,andan enemy vn- toall charitableathons: whereas wecall for themas fruits of the Gol fpei,