Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EpifileofS. Fard >o Titres. CHAP.?.2A ípd, a ornaments to our calling, as pledges ofour e!e&ion,aS%Jitflcffes 739 of our found faith and graces, and as the very way which God bath ap- pointedtowalke toheauen in. Our religion permitteth not any to Rand idle in the vineyard ; we fay let him not cate that will not worke; yea wee teach a neceflitie of good workes in beleeuers,as well as the Papifis do: howfoeuer not as caufes offaluation and iullification, yet as infcpara- ble companions ofliuely and fatting faith :only lee Chrifi holdhis place, and they (ball not fet them higher then we; and let them giue them no more then the Scriptures doe, and we will give them neuera whit leffe. Vfe, 2. Seeing by good workes we glorifie God,edifie our brethren, and doe our felues lo muchgood, Iet vs bee provoked to the diligent pradtife thereof. Neither let any man thinke bimfelfè exempt from this do&rine , be he neuer fopoore : for we are not of the Popifb beleefc, who thinke that only loch great and glorious works, as building Chur- ches, Colledges, highwaies, or gluing goods and lands to the Church, or almel {feeds, and fuch like, deferue the name ofgood workes: but e- uery man bath adouble calling, namely, the generali calling of a Chri- t'riso, and the fpeciall calling of life wherein God bath let him; and there is neuer a dutie ofeither of there (be it neuer fo bale or feruill ) if performed in faith and obedience,but it is a good worke , and pleafing vntoGod. But what fhall we fay of them, who by open wicked life, profefle contempt of God and his word, hatred of the light and the bringers of tt? that call backe, yeapull backe many others who might be brought on: and fo accuflome themfelues to graceles courfes, as they canno more change them then the Ethiopian his skin ?certainly thefe al- though theyaifo will bragge ofa good faith to God-ward ; yet is it no better then thedevils haue; who (hall as foonebe laued by their faith,as Crick by thi ;,if timely they repent not. That they be not vnfrnitfsa 1 ] Thefe words centsine in them the realen of the former precepr,wher- in by anexcellent metaphor,or borrowed fpeach, he prouoketh Chrifi f- ans, ro the praótife ofgood workes. The metaphor imp':ietb.that as the Church is Gods orchard or garden, and his Is/Unifiers are his planters and cant.4.te, waterers ; fo the faithfull are the trees , euen trees of righteoaejtrffe, the i t.Cor. j,6, planting of the Lord, and planted by the riders of waters that they rta.6r.;. might bring forth theirfruits iadaefeafon. And teaeheth, that true Chri- re+,a, iliaoity is not a barren but a fruitfull profeffron , vow whichChriliians Dt.r o£i'ty are euerywhere called. In Ezech.47. t z. wee have a notable relent- 'nobarrenand blance ofthole manifold fruits, which by the power of the Gofpell ;fit onfr pro. fhouldbebybeleeuers produced in the Church of the new Teftament. A a a t The rdeeetCas r.ae eft prslamia, non efficienrit.