Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAP.ry. AConstnextarievp as the $4 oftwo forts : I. ofgraces, as wifedome,vnderflanding,&e. fignified by the garments with which they were tobe arrayed : 2. of fweec finell, the whichboth by holy doci: ine and Life they were to diffufe in the Church; (ignited by the fweete oyle powred on their heads , v. r 2. Thefe onely are fanóified, and fet apart by the Lord to feruebefore him, Exod.29. ver.4. 2 z. This commandement impofeth aneceffitie toperforme theduties of the calling, the acknowledgement of whichbreedethconfcience, and willingnef e therein, not for the profit and commodities,buc becanfe the difpenfation is committed vetohim. Tani Peeing that necef'fity was laid rpon him, denounced a woe againfi himfelfe if he fhould not preach the z.or.9.s . Gofpel: not for the vaine applaufe ofmen, but topleaf! God ;whichtryeth the hearts, r.Thefl.2.4. 3 3. This commandement makech the fun lion and works ofit power- full , and fruitfull in the hearts ofall men,euen the grease@: and whereas fuch as haue not their comtnifhion fealed from the Lord,findnot their fa- crifices burntby God, but often labour all day, and all night, and catch tuk.5. nothing, yea themfelues with their werke perifh together : the tongues which the Lord armeth from aboue arecheinesvnto authórities, linkes Pfat.raos. ofiron to binde Z\Tobies ein4Princes; and bridles euento the deuüls them- felues: yea, not feldome byvenue hereof, Princes and people may (land vp in apologieand ina defence ofa poore man, whome the Lord repor- tech: as Ier.26. t q. Hee is not worthy to die , for he hashfpoken to vs in the nameofthe Lord, 4. This commandementbringeth much comfort in all troubles railed vp againfl men, whilfl they endeauour in the faithfull execution of this mod thankeles office anion gft men;which otherwifemight well be taken for fo many plagues wherwithGod follovveth himwho runneth vnfent: for inch is Gods grace,ashe neuer commandeth,but includethalfoapro. mile of bleffing to the obferuer; and namely of fpeciall prole&cion, which is fo neceffarie for fuch as are difpatched to encounteragainft Sa- tan and the wickednes ofthe world: foas hereby the heart is fencedand A&.t9aE. hrengthcned againf3 the malice ofSatan and men:which while the fonns ofScena wanted , we fee how mightily Satan (whoeauily efpied their want ofcommi firon)preuailed againd them. Vfe. a. Let no manprcfume to take upon him any office in the Church geb s.a. vncailed : no man taketh this honour to himfelfe: Chria himfelfe mull bee appointed ofhis Father. Vfe. z. Let none content hirfelfewith the callingofman,feparated fromGods calling; for this wasthe guile of the falfeApoflles , againf3 whom ourApohleoppofeth himfelfe and calling almoi euery where, who i