Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

74° Coodiiorts of ftoitfclncs. vlCosrmu» tarie onthe The vifion was ofwaters which ranne from the Temple,and from under the threfholdofthe fanóluarie. And wherefoeuer thefe waters should runne, they fhould caufe admirable fruitfu!neffe, in fo much as on both fides of theriuer (hall grow all kind offruitfull trees , whole !cafe (hall not fade , and their fruite (hall not faile. Thefe waters are the Gofpel which iffuefrom vnder the thre(hold : that is, from Chrifi the doore, typifiedby that hewtifull gate of theTemple ; from the Temple at Ie- rufalem their waters were with fwift current ro runne not only ouer Iu- dea, but all the world in a fhort (pace : hence was the Church mightily increafed, for thoughchefe waters runne into the dead fea , wherein (if we beleeue hillories)abidethno lining thing:yet fuch a quickning pow- er they carrie with them , as euen there euerything (hall liue : fuch as were dead in crefpaffes and fins,are herebyquickned, andbecome trees of righteoufneffe greene and flourifhing, yea and conliantly fiuitfull in all godly conuerfation. And this the fame which our Sauiour noteth, Ioh. r ç. t. that his Father is the husbandman, himfelfe is the vine, Chriflians are the branches ofthat vine : who if they be found,his Fa- ther purgeth that they may bring forthmore fruit : teachingvs hereby, that it is the Lords fcope and ayme, that Chriflians fhould be abundant in fruitsbefeeming theirprofeffton. The Apoßle Paul accordingly ex- horteth the Philippians to be much in goodneffe , to abound in lour, in knowledge, and in all judgement; yea tobefledwithfruitsof righteouf- nefe which are by fetus Chrifi veto the glorie and praife of God. And the tame Apoßle calleth rich men tobe rich in good worker. Now this bee- ing fo neceffarie a duty, rowhich eueryChrißian is euery where called, we will for the further clearingof it, confider thefe three points, a. The conditions ofthis fruitfulneffe : 2 the reafons to prouoke vnto it : 3 the hindrances ofit : vino which we will adde and annex force profita- ble vie. Firfl , the conditions of this fruitfulneffe are thefe. a. Euery Chrifli- an mull be fruitful!: for curry fruitleffc branch is cut downe and made fewell for the fire : not onlyChurchmen, or theClergie (as we fay)nor only rich men, nor men onlyof heifer imployment ; but eueryman,high and low,rich or poore,learned or valearned, muff tetlifie himfelfe a Chri(lian, byanfwerable fruits:this word, exert' branch, admitteth of no exceprion,but isas abuff, whichßoppeth euery gap. a. Euery Chriflian mull bring forthgoodfroire , Match. 's. a 7.Euery good tree bringetbforthgoodfranc : and euery tree which bringeth sot forthgoodfruit, (hall be hewen downe and call into the fire : and there- fore the fruits which are called for at our hands , arecalled in refpe5t of the efficientfraiuofthefpirit ; in refpe&of the inflrumentfruits of faith.°. and