Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAP. 344. e lCommentarie upon the 744 Pfal.3}, i ture.Hath God (pared thee the fecond and third yeare, and art thou fill fruitles, he muff now needs call for the axe ; and this is that which thou muff expeo`t. z. Another faith, oh but I am a member acheChurch, and what talke youtome, Iheare theword , receiue the Sacraments, and though I bee not fo forward and flriel, I hope I {hall doe well enongh. Whichk all one,as ifa fruitles tree fhould reply to the máfler and fay; I hopemailer, thou wilt not cut me downe,Tam in thy otchard,and Rand neere thy houle; if I were in the wall I (h:° uld thiuke thou fhouid care. leffe for me: but will not the maiier replyand fay, that thou mutt rather goedowne,becaufe thou flandeft vnprofitable in mine orcbard,I canot endurethou fhouldflkeepe anypart of that ground barrén:if thou wert in the waft thou mightfi haue flood longer ; but mine eie is next my houle; ifrhou wilt be Bill vnproficable get thee into the wail,here is no more place or roonte for thee. 3. Others reply and fay, oh but we are not fo fruitles as you take vs, and what define you more? whereunto I fay, that fuch haue great need todefire better euidences to alleadge for themlelues then this, ifthis beall:it is not enough ifa tree could fay, I bringno bad fruit as thiflles, and thornes;and therefore muff needs be a good tree: no,for a good treeconfiantly btingethmuch good fruit.So is it not inough for thee ro alleadge what thouhaft not,orwhat thou art not; thou mull not be a privatiue but a pofitiue Chriftian laden with the fruits ofthe 1pirit, elf: thouhaft loft all thy labour. Pre. r. It is not lnfficient tobe harmeleffe men, which many ref} in as found fruits ofreligion ; feeingthat for all this they (hail be caft out as dry branches, and men (hall gather them, to the fire : there got two things to the beeing of a good Chriflian, to efchew euill : and z. to doegood; and the fenteneeof coudemnatiorí in the iudgmenc day, Thal runne againft not onely thofe that haue done euill, but thofe alto who haue done nogood: fee lvlatth.ag. ti. It will not go for payment co be a Chriflian by profefíion if fruit- leffe: it is the conttirution, and I may lay the deflinie of the Church to hone in it painted fepulchres, Inchas the Prophets in their times were troubled with, whohad nothing in their mouthes but the Temple, the Temple; and yet remained in their hues molt wickedmen : and others there were that pretending outwardholineffeaboue others,would ioine fatting to their prayer, but yet rotten and withered branches : fuch were they thatwere Lewes without, in the face, and in the letter : But the found Chriflian is difcerned not by leaves but fruits ofthe fpirit :and they are the true Ifraelites who are fo within, whole praife is of God, and not ofmen. The figgetreehad leaues inough; 8e by the flourifhing &greennes feemed topromifegreat (loreof fruit:but when Chrifl drew neere,