Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Epifi!eofS. Paul to Titus. CnAr.3.24 neere, looked for fruit at.cffound none: he Paid, neuer more fruit growe vpon thee. Let vs takeheed in timeofinch a wofull fentence. 3. Eueryman muff by this doctrine take occafion to enter into the examination of himfelfe by the fruits of his faith and profeflion : and by vnpartiall tilting ofthemfclues. Some will doubtleffe fay ; I find fome finites in my felfe (1pralle God) but fomuch corruption as vtterlydif- maieth me , that 1 know not what I May thinke of myefiate. But let lochbe ofgood cheare,feeing the promife is , that if there be any fruit at all God will purge that branch, and heipe it againft corruption, foas it groane bill vnder corruption, and after grace ; the leaa budof true grace ¡hall (hoot vp to ripener and fruit in due time: the fmoaking fiaxe (hall not be quenched, but drefied to clearenes.Others by examination (hall find that they haue had better fruits then now,that they-arebecom copper C:hriflians, now compared to their former golden times; and bering fallen from their firfl loue, may fay with fhame in their faces,and furrow in their foulest alas I was thus and thus. But let Cuch be aduifed to loolce well to their handing ; for lure it is that either fuch were neuer ingrafted into the fhocke by effeetuall calling, but rather eyed (as a fci- ent to a tree) by a thred ofoutward callingand profeflion: or elfe a dan- . rous difeafe hash feafed on them , which threateneth the death of the foule, if it be not timely preuented. True grace is not as nature,which beeingpart the vigor decayeth: but a man ingrace is hill growing , and can be a child no more. Others by examining (hail find tncmleltres la- den with bitter clutters ofcouetoufreffe, pride, contention,and fundry other tufts ; whonotwithtanding they profeffe the Gofpel, are refolued to grow fowrer and lowrcr , more loathláme to God , and loathing goodnes; but thefe are lïrange fruitsoftheir profeflron,and argue them to be but feare and rotten wood already, and are not far fromburning. Verf. r S. eXti that are with mePlate thee : Greete them that lone vs in thefaith. Grace bewithyau n!!, amen. This verfe(coutainiog nothing but mutuall falutations,and the Apo - f}olicall conclufion)hath nothing in it but what we meet withal! aiimoft in all the Epiflles;we wil therforeimitateour Apofile in the briefe win- ding vp of the Epi(lle rherewith;contenting our [Clues toobferue forne (port grounds offurther meditation from them as they he. e./fllthat are withme ] In therewords our Apofile would haue Titus to knowe,that all íheChriftians that were with him,embraced himwith all Chrifrian and lottingaff:ttion, and would haue their mindfulnefe of him witneffed by a kind and familiar falutarion. The vfe whereof was, I. to teftifie their loue towards him. a. tdknit thebondof it more firme Aaa 4 and 745 ruh.tr.a.