Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAP.3.15. vlCommentarie vponthe 746 iaxafpi,1éty. ,.pr,.r,n.c;':. Satutcm. Lat. w, R=mi byt'arnbufed [°apiIla. and clofely. 3. to encourageThis in his godly course; when he fheuld heave from the ApofIles mouth, that for the fame all good men approo- ued him , and wifhed him all good proceedings. And hence we may note, I. what is the vie of thismoii auncient and approoued cußome of faluting one another by writing ; namely, to fi;nife a louit,g re. membrance of the partie faluted with an earnef} defre of their good and welfare: for that is a common affection to all falurati- ons to fignifie fuch a defre. And yet there is great difference be- tweene one falutation and an other, which rifeth from the difference of the perlons faluting. Whereof (nine are meerely ciuill men without all religion ; and thefe could not reach co with their friends the bell bleffsngs,although they wished them the bet} they could reach;as theor- dinarie formes both of the Greekes and Latines tefiife. Others haue more in them then hutnanitie, in that theyapprehend the higher graces of God in his Chriti reuealed in the Gofpel;and hauing their owne parts therein, they moti freely and feelingly in their falutationswith their friends to partakewith thé; firti in filch graces as may accompany their faluation , and then in all chat outward prolperitie that (hall make for theirgood: and thefe are the falutations of the Apofiles, and of good Chritiians;clney be nocourt holy water; nor frlutarelihenter, from teeth outward:but hearty and vnfained testimoniesof loue, much snaking for the encrcafeofmu :nailloue, yea and thefirengthening of the bond of the communion of Saints. Now if this be the vfe of falutations ; wee may lee how groffely the Pa ifisarebelotced inmart ris that I may Y f; Y P 1 Y vieLurhers word) the Angels falutation co c.2fary. For, i. whereas a falutation is a rivil thing,they haue turned this into a deuont praier. 2. not toMary whom the words concernedalone,but voto God at whole hands the repeatingof it meriteth pardon of many fnncs. 3. whereas falutation is to bedone to a partyprefent among vs,this faluteth oneab. lent. 4. whereas it was the Angels duty to came thismeffage Once to Marie, they thrufi euery man and woman into theAngels office, toCar- rie the famemeffage euery momen ,as if it werea thing not alreadie ac- complifhed. 5. what further good can they with to Marie now in hea- uen : But they haue dcfpifed the wifedome of God; and what wife- dome canbe in them? 2. Notewhat a great incouragement and comfort it is for the godly to haue thehearts, the commendations, the good words and wishes of them that feareGod : it is anexcellent fupport againfi the difgraces of the times, and reproaches ofvngodlysnen,when Gods peoplereach vn- to a man the right handof fellowfhip: little need he care for the caufles curiesand reproaches of thewicked, that bath the bid-ring ofthe Saints with