Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

*fileBfS. PaidtoTitua. CxAP.3.1 5 with him:although therefore wehaueanother rule towalke by then the I 747 lodgement ofinen,and indoing our duty. we may fay with the Apatite, /ears notfor the isdgement of any man : yet it will be good for a man to ('orq.t, conceiue how he is efteemedof the beff,towhomordinarily God giueth a fpirit ofdifcerning;that if it be poffible with a goodconfciice he may ioyne a good name, which isnot oncly fweete as a pretioneoyntment,but Feeke7;, will fuppleand affwage fuch wounds and lroakes as the wicked will be ail! infliéling :Neither can thefe two things be cafily difioyncd, the approouing of the heart voteGod;and ofthe wayes voto Gods people. -3. Note from theApoflles example, what a good office it is to be a peace-maker,and toknit themembers ofthe body of Chrilt elofe toge. ther: this argueth men to be endued with that wifedomewhich isfroma. 'mom. bone, the propertieswhereof are to be pure , peaceable, fs/lofinercie, and goodfrnitt: efpecially theMinigers of God mutt account it a part of, their office, not onely to reconcileman to God , bur cuen man to man. And let everyman conceiue and remember,that our Lord Iefus maketh it one ofthe pathesand rulesoftrue happineffe , when he faith , bleffed Matti are the peacemakers. 4. Note, how the Saintsof God ought toembrace oneanother , and efpecially fuch as are of thebell defert in theChurch for their labours and gifts ; cum as the Saints with Paul did Titus : many of whome doubtleffe had neuer feenehis face , but had heard of his fairhfulneffe: euen fuch (hould be our loue to thegodly , as we fhould affect them that are abfent as well as prefent ; and wherein we can tettífie that affe- Ltion to thofe whomwe haue heard well, although by face we neuer knew them. Greets them that lonevs in thefaith.] Qeff. May weenot falute any but beleeuers ? Assfw, There is a common falutation , which is due fromeuery man to euery man; and that is aciuill curtetieand kind of honour which is to be (hewed to all t.Pat.s.t7. men: ourSauiour Chrift commanded his Difciples whenfoeuer they en. tred into anhoule theyfhauldfaints the fame, Matth. to. 12. and gaue them a forme of falutanon which they mutt vfe whether the fonne of Laesas, peace were there or no , Paying, peace be to this honfe. Yea ifmen bee our enemies,and will not vouchfafe to falutevs againe, yet we mutt not omit thisbranchofcourteous behauiour towards them :Matrh.v.47. Ifyee befriendly toyour brethren onely ,whitfingular thingdoeyee ? dee not eaten the `Publicansthe fame. The word tranflated befriendy,is the fame tatlsolcaoea with thish'ere,Et fignifieth fuch freindfhipas was in thofe countries ce- rtified by falutations,and embracings;which euen the wont could well inough performe to their friends :butChritt fheweth that we mutt doe more,