Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

C,HAr.315 c4Commentsráe ,upon the 748 more, wemuii not expe&to fee whether we be fainted fire , butikindly falute our enemies, although we be not faluted againe. And the reafon is, becaufe it was counted a figneofhatred not to falute a man. 2.Sam. t3. 27. Abfolonfailneithergood norbad tohis brother; for e46folon Philipp haredAmnon. Whereas Chrillians on the contrarie:nun thinke on fuch things as may preucnt offence , procureloue, and whine if it may be e- ucn efirangèd affeélions. But yet howfoeuer this falutation is generally Cafes wherein due from equal toequal; yet there are Come excepted cafes in the Scrip- we maynot fa. lute, lure. t. fuck aone as lyeth in fome open finne, and hateth to bee re- t formed ; not yeelding to godly counfei! out of the word : a fuperiour here may forbeare to ipeake to inch a one by wayofcorreaion; but fo as bemufi haue care that heaime at the.faulr, and not at theperfon, and make it fo known to the perfon , that he teflifiethnot the hatredofhis s. Sam.t4ta¢. perfon but ofhis finne. Thus Dauid banifhed Abfolon from the court for killing Amnon. a 2.Thete areopen enemies ofGod,and of his truth,andof'ltis Church, who haue fold themfe.lues tomaligne it ; fuch fworne enemies wee may nor thus embrace: 2.lohd o. Ifanyman bringnot this dotfrine , bid him not godfpeede:and 2.1( ng.3.1q.Elifha celled) tehoram an idolatrous king, that had it not been for the good kingIehofaphat, hemould not haue looked vpon him, norfeene him. And yet this híndreth nothingbut that we mull falute our owne pririate enernies,tboughwe may not the open enemies ofGod. 3 3. Ifany haue finned the finne vnto death,wemay nor pray for them, & therfore not falute them,t.Ioh.ç.i 6.This is the former kind offaluta- tionbut not that which the Apofile fpeaketh of in the rext,but the lat_ ter:which is amore inward&: entire affedliion between fuch as areof the houfhold of faith; who are firaitlier knittogether then by thebonds of humanity and civill conuerfation: for befidcs thefe,they are tiedby the bond ofthe fpirit, offaith , of amoll holy profeflion , and arebrethren not in the flefh, but in the faith,yea hehres of the feile fame inheritance in glory. Thefe are Paid to loueone another 'in thefaith. If they therefore be tobe kindly fainted which hare vs, muchmore they which loue vs; and ifthey which loue vs in the flefh,much more they which loue vs in the faith;and that with a moll hearty and large affe&ion. $eligionthe Hence note,s .thatreligion biudeth wan toman in the firaitefl bond: eler ` man t co for I. the fpirit is the tyer ofit : and hence is it called the vnitie of the der ofo man. fpirit in the bondofpeace : and indeede itmuff be a wonderful) bond sP "'4'3' that can reconcileEach deadly enemies as menare before they come into the kingdome ofChrift, Ifa.a t. 6. a.Gods image wherefoeuer it is, is exceeding beautiful!, and a great biinder:efpecially whererenewed and repai-