Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Epallr ofs.Paulto r:;ttu. CiHAP.3.15. repaired;whichbeing once efpied,lec theoutward condition bewhat it 749 canbe, a religious heart Teeth fufficient matter ofloue,and will knit the foule veto the fouleoffilch a one. 3.Ic addeth fïrength and firmencffe to all other bonds ofnature, affinitie, defers, &c.and maketh them more naturall. What actue freind wasIonachan to Dauid,becaufe hefaw that God was wich him,his foule claue vnco him; though the kiugdome was to be rent from him for ir,yec could he not rent his heart fromDauid. If Iofephhad not had morethen nature; he could not but haue reuenged fuch infinite wrongs vponhis brethren ; whereas the grace his heart made himfay It menot you my brethren but Godfent mee beforeyou. Geo,45.8 Confider altoof the example beyond all imitation of our Lord Iefus Chrift,who gauehimfelfe to the death for vs whenwe were yet his ene_ mies. 4.This loue muff needes be moli lafiing ; for beeing lóue in the truthfor the trutheefikc, itfnall continue fo long as the truth doth: but the truthab:deth withvs, andfhallabide with vr for euer: and this is the caufe, that whereas the loueofnature dierbwith it, and the loue ofwic- ked men diethwith their perfons , this loue liueth in death, yea when it gocth toheauen with aman,and getteth flrengthand perfe¢lion then ,.tong. faith cealeth,and hopevanifheih away, Vfe. i. Whencewe are taught moll familiarly to embrace them that Vcrus micas loue vs in the faith, and to make mot}account oftheir loue. Many loue 41, vcr: in in the face, many in the flefh, many in nature, onely the loue of Chriffi- UCOd'l's " ans is a fruit of faith,a workof the fpi rit,and therefore a finer bond then they all.'Well knew the Apollle that none was in comparifon worth ha- uing but this, he callcth for no otber,he caretir for noother, he mentio- neth no other, 2. Such as fet into any fociety withothers; ifhe would haue it com- fortable vnro him,lethim firengihen ail other natural' or ciuil bonds by this bond ofr^li;r,ion;let him labour co begin his loue in the faith , or if hehaue begun elfewhere already,let him reforme the fame hereby if he looke forany fou-id comfort in his elate : for this is the caufe that men often haue fo little returne of loue from their wiues , fo littleobedience from their children,fo littleduty from their feruants , fo Heider refpeek from their equalls, becaufethey begin their lone and duties at awrong ende : and haue for other refpecls affected thofe withwhome they liue, but the leafl if at all for grace and religion , which of all is the foundeft, moll profitable and moil comfortable. ßu.f . But howmay I knowe whetherI loue an other in the faith or Note, Ço,te no? Anfw.Bychelenotes, z. If thou loue him becaufe he in amein- hat Iau,th for ber ofCnrifl: for this loue mull be a fruit of faith ; andkniteth him that grec f e. bath it to the members, as faith doth to the head. z.If thou loue his s 2 foule