Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Bpifllt ofs. Padto?itns. prayeth for the encreafeand further feelingof thisgrace for them : and partly teacheth vs thereby that it is theonly bleffing to be prayed for; thecheife, ifnot only grace, which our felues are to labour for; and which we mull byall meaner endeauour,that others may haue theirpor- tion in with vs. 4.To thew that all our greetingmull beginne and end in grace,and that our formes in falutation fhould fauour of grace, and not beprofane,graceleffe, or formal( as the moti are. g. Seeing a Mi. Miter ofgrace :hebeginnethand endeth with it: and teacheth Minifters that their fitti and lati atvion ofthcday ,and of their MiniReriall dutie (houldbethe commendtngof their people vnto the grace of God in their praiers : andbetides, ifordinary letters, much more other more weighty adtions ofmen, mutt be undertaken and performedwith praìer andpralle. Secondly in that he faith, Gracebewithyou: he lheweththat how foeuerthis Epifilewas inlcribcd to 'Firmalone, yet was it intended to Seribitvni(cd be or-common vfe to the whole Church : and therefore wehauenot vn- propt.r totcn, ecclrrani. A. fitly applied themoll of thedoe-trines to thevfe, not ofMiniRers one!y ynin. but ofall forts ofmen fo farce as they concerned them. Laft ofall,in that he faith, grace be withyouall , bee meaneth all the eieet, and only they :for only they areeffe6tuall partakers of this fauirg grace, called often elfewhere the grace of our Lord lefua Chi-0, the trealurie and fountaine of it. The wicked are indeede endued with excellent gifts ofGods fpiri ,but they want thisgraceofGod in ChriR, which is the only foundationofour ele6tion to the graceof life, of our effe6tuall vocation ro the graceof God wherein we Rand, and of that allured hope ofthat heauenly inheritance which hebath purchafed ofhis! grace. By this grace we arc happily reconciled vnto God, and adopted to be heyres ofgrace : hereby alto we haue receiued the word ofgrace which is made fruitfull to theplantingand wateringof all other fauing graces in vs,and Co to the furthering and finifhingofthe whole worke of our faluation inglory. Thisgrace be euer with vs, and ali them that lout the comming of our Lord Iefus Chriu to their immortalitie. Amen. So (hall it be. And fo be ir. To God the Father of lights , and to Iefus Chrifi that eternal! word,together with that anoytingeuer the bleffed fpirit, theonly, one, trueand wife God ( who bath happily led vs through thefe labours) be all praife and glorie in all the Churches for euer- more. Amen. CHAP. :2f I ç. 751