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The Table. their calling. -5. bee that would carrie himfelfe,botlo Clorißianly and comfortably inhisiallang,. moltconfider the end. 76.77 Calling:many arecalled which are not chofen. 256. who is fitfor thecalling of the(Ali- nifierie. 127. an bench calling is aMode of Chriflianitiefor elitierfereafeni. 255 Carefulnes: that the netrer weeare to Godin profeffion, the morecarefull mußwee be to beatqieit. 130 CV/Mgout. 707 Cenforers:againll rail; eenfering.Fo. Church cenfure whereat itmuff aime. 26 Chance : Chance orfortune howvfed in the Scriptures, 45 Change: that Godcannot change. 33. obie. Elions againfi it. ibid. & 34 . Change of heart and life goeth with all _Ruing know- ledge. 280. whofaeuer is called into the faith bath experienceof achange in him- [aft. 59T. how to come to the [tuft of thischange. 592. their comfort thatfind it. 593. the vfes hereof. ibid.. &c. Ulf itie:the chalbity ofmarriage vrged.381 the meanes ofpreferuing it. 388.389 Children: whether it be in the power ofany to haue good children or NO. tc9. bee that would homegracious children muß beginne at religion. i IT. two mainecaufes oflewd children, ibid. the reformationof lewdnes m them confifletb in two-things.t 12. their behauimir iseither a grace or difgrace to their prefeffien. IT 3. of their obedience to parents ;and whereinit ought tabefloew- ed. 117 Chrifl : howa Lord, bonn Sertiant.68. why called 4 (...Atightie God. 431. to the ex,. petlationofChrifbwhat is required. 484. motines to expeít him, 489. it if a means to ßirrevp a man to Chrillianduties. 9t. of Chrifbsglorie at his fecond comming.- 494. bow hegame hinsfelfe for 2/1,.. 49l. go that therecan be ne other Triefb Chri fb. goo. the bitterneffe of Chrifts death, bow it appearetb, ibid. bispaon voluntarie. 504, whether and how for all. 5o 5. 507. bore he is faid to reconcile theworld toGod. 506. that he redeemed Vsfrom the captMitie oflinty two ways. 51o. before his pafflonwe were bondflaues to finneanddeath. g t z. fatisfa- Ction not partiall. 515. a man without Chrifb isbut a wanderer. 6o i. that Chrifi waspromifed to the Ifraelites, butgissen to vs. 66o Chrifbianity:that a Chrifliannorth haue more then nature inkm. 137. itmilli bee ac- companied with foundneffe. 267. Chri- flians arefirangers and trawl/ens.- 463. confirmes, bat confoundsnot Mq0"cie- 544. a Chrifbian is no el- monbarrater. 574. 0)7'014u:tie eniey- neth cortefie. 731. sr is nobarren profef- fion. 79. reafons ofit. 741. threebin- derersthereof. 743 Church: it is compared to a /die for three rea- fobs: bake the Epifilededicat orie pag. T. the Churches efface in refpeaofitfelfe.ib. p.z.foirreruleshow to fence itfelfeagain/7 thornes. 16.3. that noChurch is fiielden ly brought toperfc,/ion.8 r .that enemy man /hyoid helpe thereto. 82. of Church-go- uernment. 8.9. that it is peculiar fundrie wages . 523. that the Church of God is diferent fromothers in 8. refpeEts. ibid. Circismcifioni thevfe andend thereof. 213. 214. 57.16f.241.466.475.476 Cleanfe manesof our cleanfing to be vfed. .5 t 9. 521. motiues tothe meaner...ib.52 I Commandements: that they arepoilifie three wayes. 457 Com-