Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

TheTable. Commendation's:that we mull 6e.sirie whom wee cotnmend.65.wemull not glue our let- ters ofcommendations rafhy. ibid. Compulfion: whethera Papifl may be compel- led to come to our Church. 29; Confèience: whether the Magiflrate may make a law to binde the Confoience, 294. good vgmade ofwickedConfcience. 723. thewarn, e ofConfcience. ib a goodCon- fcience ts a fweete companion. 734.an e- uill Confcience the mother ofherefie. 725 'Contentment. 158. a notable meaner to eb- tame it. 677 Contention : fame Contention lawful! 573. rules toanode euill Contention. 577 Controuerfies: that they are diligently to bee heard and taught. 682 Conuerfion: ofmans indignitiebefore his con- ner/ian, 5 7.that the vticonuerted are vn- wife. 596. that menconuerted are happie. 631 Couetoufres: it is a bafefinne. 148. direEti- ens for theauoiding it. 151 .1 5 8. means to fubdue it. -1S5. /ignes ofit. I c 6 lawful!A9sgrflrats. 294. 295 Creature: that it is a note of corruption to Elders: who. 85 yeeldourfeluesfsbieIt to the Creature thati Ele//ion: that Godbath eletledTome and-not fhouldferne vs. 37 others. I I. we are the ele/l ofGod 3.waies Cartefle: that it is enioynedby the bond of ib. that the eieEt hawsfpeci . (i faith.13.0f Chriftianity. 731 vniuerfall ele/tion. 445, that-our Saluati onbeginneth ir. eleEtion ,andnot after wee D comevnrofaith. 636 DAnger: thegreater the danger is , the Enemies: that etery godly manThou/d feppe plainer muffbe our reproofes. 215 the menthes of Godt enemies , and malts Debt: howeternalllife is called a Debt. 31 them afbamed. 421. reafons andvfes. ib. Deceiue: whefemindr aredeceiued,t to.rwo Enuie: what is la. 616. rasa luflethafter it. forts ofmenthat deceit:themfèlues. 6o8 617.profffersmußbanfhit. 619 Delay: ofdelaying repentance. (06 Epimenides:what he was. 239 Die: Chrifl diedforall. 5o7 Equity:it io:teceffarieforall Chri/1ians. $79. Diligence: diligence iii the minilery, 7.rea- rulesfor it. ib.thenese tisefit. 581 font. 254 Error: ; .propert ifs thereof.210. it is excee- Delirine: the delirineof the gofpell is truth ding infeîliour. 229 Bb b 1 Euange- it felfe. 1 8. the deîtrine of Saluation is moreclearelymanifeflthen informerages. 43.44 the doítrineof the Gofpell is cal- led t he commonfaith. 5 8.Whobe teachers oftrue do/trine. 193. euery man muff be- comea learner ofthis Do/trine. 194. the people are to befedwithwholfome dottrine. 33 3. it if to bee adorned 2.wayes. 434, wholefome doctrine is to beapplied tofeue- ratYages and conditions ofinen. 1 39.340 Drunkennes: that it is odious in all men, but efpecially ina Minifler. 140. it is plagued with many attendant frames, 147. Gods arrow againfl thisfinne. ib. anodiousfine in women. 370 Dumbe : dumbe t ítitinstlers cannot be Gods meffengers. 2.02. againfl disrobe (Mini- 'hrs. 413 E Arthlines: Mingersmull beware of it. 25. Eats: whether itbe lawful! to eateflefh witha fafeconfcience at times forbiádon by the