Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

The Table. Exangelájf: what was the fpeciallworke ofan Eaangelifl. 8o Estill: that it it not enoughnot to doe euill, but we me doe good. 465 Example:thatwe muft vfe the example of the Saints. t o8. no example muff tarne vs out o fagodl tour f e . 3 3 t Excommunication : bow farre itffretcheth. 709. reafons to amide excommunicate perfons. 7 io. wemuff not excommunicate for trifles. 71 3 Exhortation: Minrffers mull.fit an edge on their doEirine by exhortation.197.thepeo- plemuff fufter words ofexhortation. 19 8. whenexhortation is powerful'. ibid. Expeíiation: a. found qualitiesthereof. 485. 4found of elts ofafound exp ea-at ion.486. mofimes thereunto. 489. it prouokZeth veto C'hriffianduties. 49 t . it if a provocation to cheer:fnk:es. 49z. it is 4 meaner ofcon - ffancie, ibid. F Abler: what Iewiflsfables are. 271, why fo called.272.a;ainfffables andfancies of men.274.therebefables of3.forts.276 Father : that Miniffers arefpirituall fathers. 58.that thefademug hastefather as wet as the bodie.6o. the word Father howat- tributed toGod. 67.68 Falfehood: that it is condemnedin the light of nature. 245. that thegodlyabhor it. 246 Faith: ofhylîorical andhypocriticallfait h. r 3. wherein hypocritical'faith paffeth hiffori- cal.ibid .the truedifference betweenfacing faithand other. 14. that it is an infallible tokgnofour eleElton. ibid. 4, notes wherby truefaith ie difcerned. 15, 4. vf es thereof. ibid. howfaith is wrought ordinarily. i 6. of explicite and implicitefaith. 20. of wa- uering in thefaith.i bid, that true faith is newer alone, 27. nofaithforefeene are mo- titres to GodseleEEion, 39.faithoftbe elet but one,62.4.maine differences between thefaithApofielicall & theRomanefaith. 6 ;. that wemuff endeavour tok.eepe the v- nitie offaith. 64. and foundneffe of aith. 267. meanes thereto.274. whereinfound nesconfffeth.348.faithrequiresa change 591. Faithfulness whereinthefaithofa ciWinifler cloth appeare. 7.8. wherein it cloth con it. I 24.12 ç.faithofferuants wherein it loth con fly and is(hewed. 431.43 2 Flefls: whether a man may with afafe cenfci- ence eatfells at timesprohibitedby the law ofmau. 294 Follie: themaine properties offollie whichare ran? naturallin natural' men. 597 Fortune:howvfed in the Scriptures. 4 5 Freestone: that Chri bath jet vsfree 514 Freewill: confiderit in its/tibia. 60o, in its ebiell.6i t.the Remaniffs andTrotefants opinion thereof. 612. 61 3. grounds out of the Scripture a`Qainffit, ibid. Frowardnes:it is dangerous in a miniffer. i 31 132. st mugbe laidafideafold men. 342 Fruitfulnes, 4. conditions of it. 74o. reafaos mooting thereto.74i..3.hiridcrances eher- of. 743. the vies thereof. 744 GAdders:that women muff benogadder:. 389. Gaine: vniuflgaine iscoiledfilthy lucre.! ç 2: all to not gotten that is gamed. t 544heart fee ongaine willfeedoufalfheod. 23o Genealogies: thevfe ofthe in Scripture. 694, Gsue:wemuffgitee ourfelues forhim thatgane himfelfeforvs. 509. that Chriff was pro- inured to the Ifraelttes batginen to vs.66o God: that God cannot lie. 33. neithermay his mini/ters. 39. why and howGod is cal- led aFather. 67. 68. that weefliouldnot fpoake