Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

The Table. teachyoung women to love their hombands. l IC 376.377. the husbandsdutie towardshis IT Nowledgeof the truth is theground of wife. 380. 381. that husbands may not j%. offaith. 19.aminiermuttbeaman beare their wines. 397. that the husband of knowledge.. o1. knowledge is the beg and the wife are one in 5. refpetls. 378. defenceagainfffa/fe teachers. zio.ofknow- ledge naturallandfupernaturall. z3t8. 239. the companions of all fatting knowledge. 280. tryalls of 'itch asprofeffe they knowe Godbut doenot. 327. the beft ofvs are but children in knowledge. 660. the encreafe thereofrequired. 66::. three mainecau- fes ofour barrennes inknowledge. 663 rulesfor the right lotting thehusband.379 hisfuperioritie prooued. 391 Hypocrites: that there will bee alwáies hypo- crites in theChurch. 317. 4. martres of an hypocrite. 3 zo. his miferable conditi- on. 324. that he ishardly difcerned.3 2 5. herefembles a flageplayer. 327. twoforts ofhypocrites. 330 I 1 Awe: thereis a twofold lave, but infub- IDienes: itis condemned. z 53. aproper em- L fiance one and thefame. 21. the lif- t ofan idle perfon. 254. its corn_ ferentebetweene the Lawe and the Gofpel. passion. 256 437. that we are not vnder the Law in 4, Ignorance : the ignorant mans faith but a refpeils. 438. how we are vnder the law. frightfaith. 19. that it is an heavy :udq - 453 ment ofGod to be ignorant. 21. itu a note Life eternal.! is ours by freepromife, not by ofvngodltne ffe. 458. ofignoranceofmind. debt. 3o 3: .674<4 manofafcandalous life 66 3 is notfir to bea r/`1?ini(fer 9: .9 2 the riot- Image :Godhathengranenpart of his im funs and -tares .i..rr..errorof lireis common- -upon allhis creatures. '90 ly..? +~ 1,ferrarindottrine. ,c.6, Life Indiffereney in matters ofmoment.27.things and aó. rye,af concurre in a cjllx-ifier, indifferent when ofd infaith.292. in lone. 4'1,41 ç..uscanss toattesine veto an vn- 293: in things indifferent two things are to blatncableife.-,i6.a right endofthis Ife. bee eonftdered. 29ç. things indifferent 478. wee muglime onto the Lord. 525. whenvfedinfobrietie.295. of things in- ' rules thcrcunto.lb,d.eternall lifehow cal- diferent. 55/ ,.*.0 la reward. 675. how to haste a right Indulgencie of Parents what it caufeth. L28 in this reward, andhow to know it. , bid. Infants: theirfrithwhat. 641 Light: we hawing the light muff walke in it. Intemperance what. 256. reafons and rules 44. that our lightis greater then ourfore- fathers inmany retpeets..446.a triall wbe- therwe receivethe light. 4¢9. motives to enterteeineit. 450.45 1 Lillie:the Churchcomparedto it lilliefor three reafons:'lookeepiff.Dedicat.pag.t, how we are knowne to be lilt's, ibid.&pag. 5 Lord:Chrifi why calledLord. 68 L againff it. 257 Ironies, examples ofthem. 35 I lujtice: the proper workerof iußice. 471 lufftfication,what. 665. how taken in `Pope- jI rie. 667. how God iraflifieth a finner.67o, howfaith ihffifteth. 671 Loue;