Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

:., -..... The Table. Lone :we muff return lonefor loue. 40. wee mug kite them that hate vs,andwhy. 4o. 41. whethergoodmen onelyare to bee lo-, tied. 167.168.169. the foundries of lone flandethin 5. things. 35, the office of motherly loue. 382. Loue to the Samts why. 5 26. how we knowwhether wee late one another infaith. 749 Deere: fundrykinds offilthy lucre.! 53. rules atainfl it. ibid. Lull, why called worldly. 456. what they be. reftanceofthema note ofgrace,46 t Lying: that God cannot lie. 3 3. againft lying, ;8.246. with obichtionsfor lring in jell or earnefi,for euill orforgood ibid. & 247. &c. the twills that attend title finne. 248 M MAgefiratat: wherein an howfarro we ought to obey them. 549. (Magi- Pirates and Min f ere how they ought to ferneone another. 55o. direítiens how to carrit our felues towards lawful! Magi-' firmer, 552. rea(ens offubieEtson to Ma- gi/1rates. S 55. theMagiflrates anthoritie ú irtaintayned iy God, 4.wayes, ibid Malice: what. o- 6 1 6 Man: brutifb men wherein they refemble beafis. 249. the difpofttionof the inward man howdifcernedor manife/led. 3 66. the fateofawicked may. 3 13. the mansfupe- rioritieotter thewifeprooued. 391, Marriage: lawful!forMiniflers.97, obieEti- ens againfi it. 98.the chatitie ofmarriage vrgedfordiuerfe reafons. 3 85. whether a Proteflant may marriea Paßih. 717 Mafler: a notefor Mager; offamilies, 2 30. 475 their antharitie.42 3. that they mull ; not bepleafed inwicked command!. 427 (Arcane: that we mull keepe our feluer in the golden meane.! 16. rulesfor thefame. ib. c7vfeate:ofrotate and drink.not vfid infaith. 299. infobrietie. 301. in late. 302 Meekenes, it is diferibed.584. it it no enemy to truezeale. 585. the vfe of thisgrace. 586. a metine thereto. 587. the ground thereof. 588 Memerie : that th memory of Chriflians fbould be taken vp witbgodymeditations. 541 Merit: Gods mercies aremans merits. 70.0- ¡ terna/i lifehowmerited. 675 (ilftldnes maybetray theglory of Clod. 136 Minifler: reafons to flit re vp Minifters to diligénce.7, 5 2. hitfaithfielneffewherein it muff appeare. 7.8. !.'herein hefhouldgloy. t 6. theend ofthe Miniflrie. z4 54o.how -to trie our profit by the Mmtfierie. 26. Miniflers mull beceded. 5,3, reafons and vjes thereof. sia.sfr c. they are fpiritua/lfa- there.' 58. the peoples affe/tton and duty towards the Minifier, 60.6 z .offiuing te,- flimontalls in the behalf: offuchhas are to be made tj?iniflers,65. Minificriall pow- er weak Seth not but rather eftablefheth the power ofthe Magi//rate. 78. the necefty ofafetled Ivieniflery.86. a man of a 'Can- a/alms life not fit to bea rainfiler. 92 93. rules tobeobf ruedof aMnifier to keepe h:mfelfe vnreprooueable.94.129.the ma- riage ofMiniflers lawfull.97.all true Mi- nifiers are Gods watchmen. 121. Stew- arde,124 their p,aperties. 125. &c. who are moiifitfor thiscalling. 127. how they fhould beefieemed o ff i 2 8.aMimfler mufF not befroward.e 31,how beemay bee angry. 13 3.he mull not begiuen to wine. 140.00 . ftriker.145. not couetaus.148. it ie not e- noughfor a Mnifer tobefrom vice, but, &c. 159. h,ty aPoore Miniher may bee harberous,163 ,164.165,a Miniher mug bewife. t 7 2. lightnesaendemníd ina Mi. B b b 3 nßer,,