Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

i The Table. nfier,173. a Mini/ferwhy heflsauld bee rigbteotee. 175. hoy.176.temperate.179. not profane. 178.a man of knowledge.201. that a dumbMiniflor At not Godomeffen- ger.202. witty among Minißers. 224. MiniPiers mull beplaine in reproofs. 233. theymußnot be difcouraged with a fro- wardpeople. 2 S 9.what things areregret/ire to an able Minßer. 33+ three things deare to aMiniffer. ibid. Miniffersmuff fomctimesintreate where they may vim. maund.4o8.life& deGrine tnußconcurre inc.Miniflers.4 t 3. reafons for it. 414. 415. means to attaineunto it. 41 6.faith-1 full Minßers(hall haste withßanderr.4t7. 418. that it is a greiuourfinne to defpife ' c. Miniffert. 5 f 7 .Moderation: thegody muß moderare their affeUions. i6. ruler for the fame. ibid motiues thereto. 588.589.638 Mortification: Religiononly teacheth ít.464 Mother: the office oftruemotherly lone. 382. they muff nurfe their owne children them- !Rues. ibid. a mother muff loue all her children. 383 Mouth : enerygody man muff endeauour to frappe themouth ofGods enemies,"c.421. reafons andvies. ibid. N NAme:that it is lawful to change amans name. 4. foosre ruler for ot. ibid. that our name/hold put vs in mind of Jessegoodduty. ibid.fpeciallvfeoffetting names tadouine writings. 5. that the name of besingafiruaru of God it a name ofho- now. 6. cafes in which a man may for- beare tofee his name to his writings. ibid. Nature a Chriian max muß haue more thennature inhits. x37. the decal of na- ture mußbemade vp with the fame/net of grace. 3 5 1. reafons and vies. 353. 3 54. that natural men arefeules. 597. a croo- ked naturemuff timely be taken in hand. 621. Neceffaries: why a man in prayermay not asks morewealth then is neceffaries 303 Newenes.flue things needful/for a man to be- come newe. 656 Nonproficientt. 195 Nonrefidencie: it is condemnedformany rea- fons. 726.727 Nurfsng: that mothers mußNurfe their own children tbemfelues. 382 OBedience:wbereeiin itought t o be'hewed. 1 17. reafons enforcing thisduty. it). Offices: cheifeoffi'ces arefor fornite: in the Church. t o.thereought to be a care bad in chufirag officers. 123 Old-age: oldmen muff euer learne.341.their meanes.342.what they muß lay afide.ibid. & 343. fobrietycommended in them.345 grauityfeemely in them. 346. moderation ofluft andpaffon afeemelygrace in them. 347- reafons. ibid. One: elan andwifeare one inflate refpelts. 378 Open: openinners are tobeauoided. 722 Our: a thing maybe Paid to be our two wayes. 670 Outward: no outward ordinance of God can be efel-tuall workingofthefpirit.6S4.why the outward *ordinance take no effe& in fame. ibid. p PApits : theyare compared to heathen. 729 Parables: that there are (erne in Scriptare, and to what end they tend. 35 Tarents: