Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

'Parents: that theymould refolne oftimely in- frullion. 112.4 note of irreligious pa- 4ents.l t 5. parents indulgence the caufeof s4,es in children. 118 Patience: an exhortation to Waite patiently. 46.Patiencea venue neceffarieeuer Chri- f ianefpeciall oldemen. 357. its [sandpits fands in three things. 358. fluefruites thereof. ;59. that theLord is patient to the worfl.7 zz.fomull his children. ibid, Paul:how the Apo.file cameby his name. 3. why hisname itprefixed. 5 'Peace: onlybygrace we come to truepeace. 7t. how to haue peace with men. 72. that there is nopeace to thewicked. ibid. thewickedmans peace ti orafe in three re- [peas, 73. what peace wee mull nffea. ibid.. People: their afeEfion towards their pagore what itfhould bee.6o.61. what theyfhould prayforin comming to the word. 691 Perfe/lion: why, no Church canfodder,y bee brought to perfetlion. 81. 8+ emery man ought to fet their helping hand thereto.8 2. mi.nigers muff bearewith the wea.knes of their Church , for three reafons. 83. our perfe/lion here is a /!rife againg imperfe- Efims.84. nonecan come to perfeEfion. 341.342.343 Perfecution, it ù an auncient armesofall 6e- leeuers. 358 Perfeuerance. 337 Peruerfion:what. 720 Plainenes: 215.233.234 Pleafure: whyfo called. 6 t 4 Polygamie: ( that is the hailingofmore wines thenone) waat blame-worthy. 103. obie- Etiousfor it aufwered. 104.105. &c. Popery: it cutteth a man from Chrifl. 2 t 8. not to be tolerated .219, it is a flat enemy to thelime ofGod. 557 TheTable. Tower: c9Kiniferiallpower weakneth not, but rather efablifheth the power of the Magigrate. 78.79 Trilfife: it meal be ioyned toprofefan. 398. & c. Preaching: by the preaching:of thewordfal- nation a wrought. 16.48.Preacbing is the greatefl bleffing any can enioy. 49. chafe that enioy it are bound to Jbowe themfelues thanmfullfor it.5 o.Preaching andreading mull besoyned together. ibid. Preaching is an office of truff. 5z, it requireth dili- genceandfaithfulneffe. ibid.o f the limesof preachers. zo7. 208. (Mini mull preach that which is true and profitable to their hearers, 690. &c. Preifls: oftheabufeof the name. 85, there can bee no other Preiif afar facrifice then Chriff.5oo. apopifh difintlion of priefs ouerthrowne. 01 Profefon: the nearer a man is to God by his profefion the more carefullmull he bee to beautifieitbybis prat-life. I30. 398.399. rules for it. 4oz. a fcornefull f yle giuen them.6t8. proffers mull beeforward in goodwormer. 686. meaner thereto. 687 Prouiife :that GodefeEleth all his promifes in duefeafon. 44 Prophannes:that it is notfimplievnlawfull to alleadge aprophane author. 242.&c. Protegants: ofrufenlieprotellants.6oz.the generals Protefant.6o -. the idle Prote- gant.6o6. thefenfible Proteflant.. 607 Puritie : who ispure. 28T. why men fanili- fied in part are called pure. 282. wee muff /!rice thereto. 284. how all things are pureand impure. 28 7. how the pure may vfe all things purely. 291. what a man mug doe to vfe any thing purelie.. 296.297. meaner to become pure. 521. motisles thereto. ibid. Purging