Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

The Table. Purging: Chriff purgeth his people twowayes." of dieters religion: whether lawfull, 219. 51, wheremuch vncleanes u,there needs much purging. 51.8. finne is newer pardo- nedbut where ice's purged. 5 t9. wanes thereto. ibid, Puritan:Chriiansarepure but not puritans. 283. to chargeamantobeaPuritan into call him heretikc. 702 QVegions: about needleffe queflions. 693. 696. &c. R REadines : thateueree Chrifrian mg. 66 readie to goodwories. 561.56 2. a tryall ofthis readineffe. 563. 564. rules for theprat-lifeofit. 565 Reconciliation: how Chrifl isPaid to reconcile theworldveto Clod. 5o 6 Recreation: of itsnot beingvfedin Faith.3o3 Redemption: chrfEbath redeemed his Church from (lanes captiuitie 2. waycs. 51o, the excellencieof the peífon redeeming. ibid. thefeficiencieoftheworks, 511. the ex- tent c f the priceof our redemption. ibid. what we were beforewewere redeemed.i h. their eflate is miferable that are not re- deemed,513. Redemption andfantlificati- onare infparable companions. 51 7. vfes. 518, Reformationof others beginsat a mansfelfe. IIO. Regenera ties, what. 648 Reieîlion: there is a twofoldreiellion. 707 Religion: ofwauerers in religion.2o. the new - neffeofPopi/h religion. 63. no religion can thrice where the miniflerie is vnfetled.86, thevfes. 88. whofo would haue gracious childrenmuff beginat religion. I 1 1. whe- thera maxierringg in afandannentull point ofreligion may befaxed. 25 5. toleration 7' 5. Religion teacheth truemort ifeati'n 46o.ofvoluntarie religion, 605. Re/iu -t on the ffrongefi binder ofman roman. :748 Remembrance : why men remember not e .i t which they often heart.. 1542. the fcope- of the mini/frie is to keepmen in remembrance of Chriflian duties. 540. reafons. ibid. .M'nes remembranceor memorieshould be taken vp withgodly insruilions. 545. the remembrance offinnefhouldbe a motuse to 6ewaile it in ourfelues,and topittáe it in o- thers. 590 Renewing, what the word importeth. 648 thewhole man mull be renewed. 649. why renewing is attributed vnt o theholy Moll. 650. its necefitie.655. notes to tryoar re- newing. 656 Repentance: ofdelayingour repentance. 606. that God cannot repent. 34 Reproofe: thegreater the danger, the plainer 'mullbe the reproofe. 215. three conditions ofplaine reproofe. ibid. a 7vfin f er mull beplainetherein. 233. and wife al1'o.234. no reproofe mull bevngrosonded. 261. eue_ ry reproofe muff be grounded according to the nature ofthe 263. in reproofe, adde zeale, wifedome,and confcience.264. a canent in reproofe. z66 Refiffero: zee mull- refill refilent ofthe truth. 199.a note ofa refifler of the truth. 200. they bane euer open menthes againff Gods Miniflers.41 9. that it as a jpeciall note of awickedman to refill the truth. 599 Reward: howeternal' life isa reward. 675. how to kaue right in this reward and how to know it. ibid. Riches:-of Riches notvfed infaith. 302 Righteoufees: a - Ñlinállermuff be righteous. 74. ofinherent Righteeufneffe.6o3.that theRighteoufneffeofafanner is noqualifie in