Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

The Table. thralltonnes ofhit miniflers.66. the lewd- nes offennes whence. T I 8 Sotendrres: necanes to keepe found from fpiri. tollf ckeneffar. z68.two hindrancesthere- ofibid.reafonsto vfe the meaner. 269. et fpecial meaner to fonndne r infaith.274. fontanel offaith flank infoure things. 348. 349.3 5o. it a fpecialy requiredof old men.; 5 1. foiendnes afgracemuff make vp the decay ofnatnre. 3 5 zfotrndneffe of laneff ands infoure things. ; 5 5., foundnes ofpatitiiceconftlis in three thins. 3 58 Speach: ofvnbriellcdfpeacb. 5 66.inwhat ca- fesa man mayfpeake of the enill that bee knower ofan other. ibid. cudfpeakingre- ductal intoiwo beads.567. it isan vnfeern- ly fnne. 568. it is dangerous, 5 69. means to auoide it. 571 Spirit: bow it eaa 1 cginen.6S7. thegraces of Godsfpirit compared to waters. 658. it it . land to bepouredout in three refpetls.ibid. fee more 660: Steward: what the wordiriportetb. 124. why Mtniflerr are fo called. ibid. a leffon drawnefrom thence. ibid. two properties of a Steward. 125. bis faithfulnerwhere- in it conffts.ibid. his wofedome wherein it confifis. 126 Strife:wee mullthine topuritie ofheart.284 Subieflion: st ought to be often taught and why. 536. the way to bring men vita it. 548. wherein and howfarrewee mull bee fubiell to Ma orates. 549. reafons why Chriflians mull befubietl to 21lagifl. 555 Suffering: thatChrifl fnffered for ourfnnes andnotfor his owne. 508. how to fhort a fuffering ofChrifl could redeemefrom in- ftnitefïnnts. 510 T' TAkers: vaine talkers who. 207 Teachers :Weak, teachers ofholy do- aritte.293. falte teachers decline fosere mayes.299.4 defence againf fuck. 210 . that women maynet be teachers in publike affembliefor three reafons. 372.be they may teach. 37 3. Ofiniflers mufr reach things profitable. 697. the vfes.49g.mo- risks thereto.699. that it is dangeromfor s Church to be without a teacher for a ¡Bart time. 726 Temperance : wherein it eenftfls. iZo, the meant, toattaine thereto. ibid. Thanksgining : reafons proouingthat nothing ought to bevfed without it. 297. refli.me- nies ofour :hankefulneffefor theword.' 87 Theft: ofthecoloured theft offeruants. 429 Thorne:: the wickedare comparedto thornes for three reafons:feethe epifi dedicat.p. t. Time: that Godeffetleth all hie promifes ist due time.44.that we mull entertaine Gods times and feafons ofgrace. 9.7. that wee mnfl timely take in hand our crooked na- ture. 6z Titus: whatit fignifies, andwhat hewas. 56 Talleration: that telleration of `Popery ought not to bee. 21 9. reafons againfl tolleration. 7t5 Traditions: no Traditions tinder Apoflalicall autboritie warrantable. 89 Truth : that the Gofpell is called Truth for three reafons. 18. knowledge of the truth isgrounded onfaith. 19.it is tobee aduan- ced abone all other truths. zi. humane Truthframeth not the heart to Foil/vies. 22. that 1llrniflers muff refill refiflers of thetrnth.199.notes ofthem that refiflit. 220. that euery truth mull bee received wbefoenerbe themeffenger.2 5 8.&c. rules topreteritevsfrombee ng turnedfrom the truth.z80. Altbe truth mull be delive- red, 680 Turne: 5 forte ofmen turning into feteerall tom