Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

[r.amplified his generali calling,a ferment ofGod, !! is to bring his fpeciall fun&ion, andan Apoftle vnto thefai of lefus Cbrif1. Which Apofilefhip is1 a titleof relation, my feitne a, iufl ified r his finceritie, nattsralf, in that? t.Grace. prayer for 3. z.mercy declared by their t.God n ;.puce. eau fas, from z.tbeL I. in general], tocontinue to redrefethings that e reta< more fpeciall, to ordaine Elders in emery citie r-[t, in generall,he mutt be vnblameable. (r. thepofitiue venues re- quired in his private life z. more particular- 1 ly letting downel [2. the vices ofwhich r.ri bemuftbe free, 2.1 fi. his dutie, which is to holdfaft the n defcribedby twoadios t Mt Pag. T. faluting,Paal 1. leícribed by a. I.The falu- t the perGns faluted,Titrea r tation,in defcribed byz which 2. the formeof Calming, beeing a r. declareth tie ende why he left Titus in C more generally, As Icommanded thee. (1.1ife, É ' Synopf totir EpOole i , ad r1"itum. I I\ E I I 1iCap (t, tY;Ore generally what to tcach,7hc m r. Defcribing the qualities . of a Bop, both for his z dOri[tf and í.' laierh downc< a.the end,that he (t. propounded b ¡¡ may be fitted to 1 all the parts of fais calline,which L, are r whichconcerne efome dot`lrine. (Teachers i d eldir things Berne y for old Chrillians to in