Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EpiReo,f S. Paulto Titus. CHAP.t.4, grace and mercie, which is the liuing fountaine of our welfare: ;. return thepraife and honour of311 our good,to the right author of it : which is the right rfe and endofall the dot9rineoffree ele6tion,iuflification,vo- 1 cation, and faluation : all which are noted by `Paul, to tend to thepraife ofthe glorieof hicgrace; yea, andofall the Gofpel, which is to flop euery mouth and caute all that would find faluation andhappineffe to feeke, and find it onely inGod, and the riches ofhis grace. Vfe. z. This free grace beeing the fountaine ofall bleffiitg,it behoo. nett) cuery man to feeke it in the firfl place for himfelfe , and others to whomhe wifheth anygood: get grace for thy felfe or an other, thouhaft gotten peace: a letTon obferued offew Husbandc,Fathers ,Mailers, who whiled they beat their heads cil they quickly become hoarie with cares for the purchafing of outward things for chemfelues, and theirs, (cares dreame of the bell bleffìn^s, and of purchafing (by laying holdon the couenanc for themfelues and theirs ) the grace of God in Chrift, which is the portion ofvery few.Many fay,whowill (hewvs anygood,and can reioyce when their corne,and wine,andsite is incrcafed:but to fay, Lord lift thou vpoa vs the light of thy countenance, is the voice of the fmallell number. Thus it is too plaine that thefpirit of prayer and fupplication bath nodelight in the mot} ; who canheartily pray for dailybread , for health, for wealth in the want ofthem ; but neglea the fountaine which is Gods grace, and mercie in Chrifl : andno otherwifedo they crane for others,then they hauedone for themfelues: in thofe diflempered prayers refembling ficke pesfons,hoth in that they haue more fenfe & griefe for the fits óftheir ficknefie, then for the caute : as alío that they moti defire that which flandech with the feeding ofthe viciou s humor,which ( hould rather be purged and cxpelled.Thc fpirit ofGod is the fpirit ofwifdom, and dirc&ìeth to a more compendious wayofprevailing with God; and fo teacheth vs ro aske,as that weobtains farce more then we haue asked, or that which is farce better. Do£fr. Onely they that are by grace and mercy accepted of God, haue their portion in this peacehere mentioned. Real. 1. Peace,thac is , all kinde ofprofperitie is promised onely to the godly, Pfal.i. they (ball profper in emery thing: and the Apoflle pronounceth it,onelyupon the lira. el ofGod. 2. it is accordingly bellowed vponthofeonely,thatareiulfi- fledby faith, Rom.5.t.feting they onely haue peace whh God, which is the principali part of it. ;.to fhewe it tobe a fruit of Godsgrace,fun- tide phrafes inScripture might be alledged; as that it is called thepeace of God, Philip.4.7. and that God is called theGodofpeace, i.Thef1.5.3 3. as alfo that difference which is worthy to be obferued , betweeuc the falutations of the old and newTeflament. In theold Tellament, grace 7 t aph.r.6. S^_eke grace is thcûrttplace. PraL4.6. zach.tsao. Carman men: defiresof Lcke mce. Oaelybrgrzce wec,r a to t e ttenua oars. ae ,e. . Gal 6". a 3 Pxx zredicns cn fhttan> uT << oe temp. E 4 and