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there you might finde him. Herein ihould Chrillians imitate his piety, in a burning z_eale to Gods glory. How zealous was Phinehas for ·God ! How 'vas Pauls fP,-irit troubled within . him ! A Eh 1 7. 1 6. mtpf4>~wlsTO 76· 7/Y~V!M-' :wr;, the \Vord fignifies he was a1moft befides himfelfe, to. fee the Idolatry of the Athen,;. an5. Alas,\vhere is our z:ea-le! wee are generally key-cold, as Ga/lio· was; in Gods cau{es. ChrHl: his: zeale wa9' inflamed for the refo:r- :--~ICIJ''tft&iznttm) nution ofhis Fathers houfe ; but domm much ofour zeale is againfi.zeale ':~~;i~ and reformation. · And fuch was his zeale, that whatfoever hee ad (aw, it affected hitn deeply, either\vithgriefe, ifevil1; or joy, i~:: it well done; or pity and com- ~/tU paffiort in the mif~ry of othen . Dti vVherever hee was,he was weUu... doing: in the City and publ.ike Aug m Iplaces hee \Vas teaching and in- . ,10 ! {l 4' ~ I Lfll\.:t:lt1g ; \