Fo!/oJv Chr~~,wherein. ~ 3 ground with aword,but let them I rife againe. Hee hurt n'?ne of them,but cured Malchus h1s eare ·· whom Peter had hurt. Heedelivered himfelfe into their hands. He bleffed themthat curfed him, l and prayed on the croffe for his i tormentors. All to teach ChrifH- 1 ans ,to moderate their anger, to fufrer wrong, to offer none,to return g~od forevill,ble./frngftJr curjing, M 6eing heires of 6/ejfing, : I Pet.3.1 8. 2. In his beneficence &,good- 2; nes to every one: Hee healed all !I dilea{e5, difpoiTelfed ~ivels, r~ifed the dead, gave to hts enemtes i I food to eate , health to their bo- · ·dies, [alvation to theirfoules. So · . mufl: every ChriUian do good to \all , effiecial(J to the houfheld ofj . !faith, yea,doegood to i enemies and ill deferving , thus \I j ·either winni~g them, or heaping . ) coales on the1r heads. j ;! 3· · Inthatheewas anadmira- .1 3· 1 ble .!