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FtJUorv Clirift,whete-in. I M~en , that I may recompence him, ?.- 4,. In that he-e never trranfgre£: i· fed the rule of love, but left a tianfcendent patterne ofit,in laying down his life for his enemies. Never was there fuch a copy. And this for our imitation, who mull: "'Pnlk! i.Jt love 41 hee JoveJ m, Ephe[.s.2.and 1 J1hn 3.16.Ijhe Jayddowne hulife fQr m, "Wetmght 11./fo one for lltzothrr. Q...tuff. Doth Chrith example bind us to dye for our brethren? Anfw. Ye3 : not onely that Scripture proveth it, but the exatnple of Mofes, E_.xod. 3 2. 3 z.and Paul, R·om. g. 3· and chapt. t 6.4. Prifcilla and Aquila laid do~ne their neck!1 for Pauls life. T.he reafon is thii : The Inemberofthe naturall body will fave a .fellow-member with t·he loffe .of it felfe; as the. hand wil1 fave ~the head, though it beeftricken off for it. So in the myfii~all body,