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Danger ofnot I I I. · Now let us fee the re~ZfonJ or motiv-es thereuato. 1. One i9 the equity of the precept : \Ve are !beep, he is the 1 • great Shepheard of the flock, ~nd all tt1e foecp ''"'ftfollow thisShepheard,John I o.37.l11e hundred -forty and foure thoufand fo!Jow ibe L~trn~e wherefoever hee go-- - eth,Rev .14.6. that is, the multi• tude of the faithfull follow - Chrift their Captainey and.obey him in all thii1gs•.Befides,we are Chriftians , our very name per- 1 171#/Sl'll.f'UT,~&·.. fwadeS·US hOW eqttall it is tO foltur, q;ti low him, elfe de. ny ·our name if Chriftum mjnime imi- we deny this duty. Againe, the rtr; L!Q ltid equity appeares, becau(e here is tlzim tibi nothing required or requefl:ed 9f prodtftvo- us, but ottr Maf.l:er bath done it cari qttori c no;zeJ,& berore us , and corn mended it to nomenrfur- us by his owne example: Our pJrfa!ie- Jofhua faith to us hrs fonldier·s, ·nwn ~ ·&c. What you fee mee doe, that-doe Alt?.devita d 1 chTifliana. ·you; an fha 1a common fouldier·recoile ·or ftart back from,that he