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Dedicato·rie. o6taines. thiJ, hee fo<ots it lu fl ily along, till in theJfr-ait way, though rtJugh, andfull nftrojfos, hee get.s into his Father! h~ufo, where 11 hread enottgh , and comfirt ~ ~nd gl~ry. AndwhereaJ in. his travel· ling hee efpies a ,;umher of fenfhall Jude I 9 • men, "Who are wholi.J tak.tn up with their pit afore~,. treafnre J, hono.Hrs, . friendJ,je;~flingJ, or other trijkJ, thefe hee pitietiJ, ~nd pray~th for them, and refolveth for hiJ owne parr, not to entllngle himfolfe with r the aJf.li:u of this lift' tluzt h~ may r p1eafe hrm wha h~tth chofln hzm to. T" · . 1 . 2. 1m.1 6e a (oultiter. Thjs is the difpDfttion, 1tnd thefethe heh~tviourJ of a Chrijfia11 well principled And hottomed: The ejfe- 1 Eiingwhereof, hoth the Authour j intended in preachi»g thefo t hing,J, ~nd I 1IO)P intend in, pu6!1fl;ing ~ them: together with encouragement . . to all thtJ~, ~hp jland _(loutf.J, '»?ift!J, llndconflantly tot heir own A 4 Principles,