The Epiflle companie fPeakn well of good men, and g9od thi,.,gs, in llHrJther compr:tnie quite othcr1Pifo, pretends God/11nd intends himfolfe, in fine, mak!_s nothing ofhu religion, M~d if the -,:,i,.;dc forve right, hee will till:.! tbe next occajion to _flrife! ~ faile , and become 11 Perfocutour of religion ~tnd re li gioH! pc~fon.r. The lik$ of many Apojfatu. what other c~uft can 6e givcn;why numbers ofC hriflians fall off from _ rhe profe./fron or obedie11ce of the Goftell _, but th.ft they never learned well and throNghly thRfe Principles of Chrifl:ian Practice, to denie th(mfolves, to tak.! up their crojfe, to follow Chrifl, to loo.k! , to the welfare oftheir JouleJ· howl foever, to provide for the day of \ their accounts, to run andftrive . la'"fulfJ , to depend on God .6y · prayer for direllion and ble/fing, and to (ave shemfelvn from thi.J _ Hntoward generation, of Epicures 1 and