objeF!ions anfwered. friends lo{t,the favour of God,of · his Angels, and all Sait1ts; for thy trouble without,peace of confci- · ence within ; for thy lands , the ·deeds & a{furances ofan heavenly inhetitance; and for thy life tempora11,Hfe eternall. Wouldft thou have more in band 1 Ob. Oh but this ·is a very hard thing to rowe· thus againfi the fi:reame,and do as no body doth. A;lj.lndeed few enter into this narrow way:but it is good going to heaven, although \Vithout company. And yet thou wanteft no good company , but haft the ~rophets,Apofl:les, Martyrs, and Chrift: himfelfe before thee, who alfo fl1ffereth and fmarteth in all the forrowes of the Saints. · . Objrtl. But is it not hard to be counted & die for an hereticke ? .Anj.Not ofhereticks: & ChrHl: was counted no le£fe for thee.. oh. But I hav.e wife, children, and f~iends depending on me. At~f. {