Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

ttnt o Jv1 ar tyrdome. frrength &. confo1ation the Spirit of grace and glory fo~ll refl 11pon them;l' Pet.4.14'.And then he doth· more for his Saints when he fl:an~ deth ~y them,ftrengthening their. faith,to fuf.fer the pangs of death, than when he opened the prifon- .doors 8t iron-gates to let Peter and Paul goefree. N.ay ,the fame ble!fed Apofl:les were as deare to .God, and God as n~ere to them, when they were beheaded by · Nero, as when the one by an Angel was led out, & the other had the foundations of the pr'ifon .fuaken,and the gates caO: open. 2. He bath promifed.mitigllti- . 1 : ·on : & it is much more,that Chri- !l:ians can. with joy clap their hands at1d fing Pfalmes in the flames,& profefle as {ome of the 11artyrs)that the fire. 'Y'a~to them ·· as a bed ofDowne, or fweet Ro· fes,than to be led.out.ofprifon b~ an Angel. · l· He hath ,pro~ifed an happy. · /3: , Jell:..