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MeditationJ to fit,& c. by death maintained our caufe,& now pJtadeth it in the light of 'God. Neither is it an nnglorious fervice,bu t a. precious gift , and an honourable advancement, I Pu.4. I 4· The 111rtyr that fate downe with Chrifi at a bitter breakfafl:, expetled a better din- ,, ner, a:1d found it. Oh thinke "with thy felfe, what bad be- '' eo m· ~· of mee ifChrifi had kept · '" his.I.i,fe.[o fq.!l: from .mee, as my . -~' c?rrup~ion wouJd hqlp my 1i~c '~from bun· ~ 1(1, \'Vould keep It _"-frotn l"'~lll to day,he may fnatch · ' 'it from,ffieto morrow.Ifi will ' ' uot gi~ejt.now to g1orifieGod, .-~' ·11~ '1Jlay taK'e it ~ntopu~1ilhm .et. ' 'Ifi grive .it freely.once,it is not ; • er toJofe it' hut to- recei va it· for 1 ' ever.-I fee. when God called·A· ." braf1am to·facrifice his Ifaac, A. -,' ' oraham by' offering him prefer- .''vea liim :'The way to preferve .. ''.;·tlly I~ac,my joy, my life,is, ~o '" offer.1t. to Chnft .: for, then It ·. ·· "lhall