Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

1.Note. Preach well for matter & manner. Matttr and manner and anfwer: As if the Lord had "faid in larger fpeech, Tell mee ' 'out of your own judgments & ,, befl: underfl:anding' Jet your ''" owne confciences bee Judges ' 'whether · the whole world ' 'were a reafonable gaine fi)r the ' ' lofs ofrhe fou1,or whether the ' 'whole world could recover ((filch a lofs,or no. Wherin note, 1. That the Minifiers & Preachers oftheWord, after the example ofChrifl:, mufl: not only be carefull ofthe matt(r, wJ1at they teach, but alfo of the manner of teachil1g;fo to in!l:rucr,as to ibar. pen & fetan edge on the word,fo as men may bee brought to commune with themfelves,and enter into their owne hearts, to whet upon themfelves things delivered; to embrace that which is good,and hate the contrary. · JZer,6.%7•. the ·Propbet mufl: try their waye.r.: the Lord fet& fent . ~fm,that 'hee might~(), anti trJ their .