Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

·rHE CONTENTS. OH THrs BO-OKE. ·The tnftiturion ofaChrifi:ian man in twelve heads efDotl:'rine•. r C""rHtd~~ri~eof[elfi-tltnia:l,outofM~r. 16;;1_4. 1 wlmem ~~ Jhewed, w'ho arc Chnfts Difciples. pag!.-6· Wh:n things felfe-dcnyal~cemprehcnds• pag.1 f . ·Thed:fficulrie ofthisdutie. 1 8' The nc.ceffitie of denying our feJves. .2. 1 Mifchiefes ofnot beginning in this dutie~ .2.f · .Helps to further us therein. 29 Moti,vestodcnyourfelves. 3$ ·· Notes (>)fone th3t denieshirnfHfe. 39 z. ThedoCirineoftakinuptbeCro[ft, outo{tbt - fl;mtv(rft, where i& ]hewed, What rhe Crofieis. 46 Why called the Crdle. 47 · ·;,. Wh:nitis totakcitup. -t8 ~ V.'hy t:lkcit up daily. \ r:z. . That every Chrifii:m barb his Crorre. ibid That we mufi bothbeare &take up the crofte. 6'·1 Me~ll1e sto be willing fo to doe. 70 3· TherloClri;ze offo!lowif1g Chrift, _ . Ourofthefome vrrfe. · ~hcrezs Pr1en·td, I~ wh~t \~e murt follow Chrifl~7~ In.ll:mCe$ ofChnfts pietie nnd ch3ritie. . 77 D1efor th~ brethrcn,3s Chrift'did. , 8$ How Cimfi can and ruuftbcfollowcd. . 87 Motives to follow him. 9t · I , , a Danger