be vehement. 147 - ---- - -- - ·- --- ------.:.....:__; were the Spirit in it, ifit ihould I not difcerne the fpirits' and di- r Hcb.4.I vide between the marrow and the bone l , Lafrly ,it difcovers the pradice Uft_3• · ofwicked men, who fhri nk more , at the curfe, than at their fin ·; and . when they cannot blame or deny what is faid,then to fl ie ttpon the PreacHers purpofe and affeCtion : So ranking them[elves amot:tg thofe wicked ones, who rehnk! the Prieft,Hof.4·4·Suchaone wil not appeare an Atheift:, therefore will approve the doClrine:but he remaines an hypocrite & enemy, therefore reviles the perfon, and in effetlrejetls therdoCl:rine.This : of the firft: note: 2. In the manner note another -z. .N'ote. 1 point ofwifdome)qamely,in m~t- In weight~~ ter.r of much importance, M i& the matters lojing fJf the foNlo; or el(e of grea_t ~fevl~~i .. danger, tU u the winning of the mency. 'WOrld, tt1 u_(e more than ordinary vehemcncy. The wifdo1ne ofGod H 2 fpeakes