fpeakes not oftything :Mint ~nd Cummiti, as of the wei-ghty points of the 'Law. NeithC'r bath every Verfe in the Bible a vere!y, or a he hold in the beginning, or a Se!11h in tke end.But in matters of grea~er · intention or excitation J fome fiar is held over them, that he whoreades,may confider. Our Lord expreffing filch vebemency here, fbewes it the greatefi n1atter in the world,the gain· ing ofheaven, and fav ing of the foule :And that the greateft danger in the world is,the gaii;}ing of the world by the lofing .of the. foule. Can aman grapple thornes together)and notfeare pricking? Can aman walk on fnares fafely? and fuchis the gain ofthe world, · M~t.13 .zl. and 1 Tim.6.t o. · } And therefore,as the·end ofthe whole Miniftery is to draw men from earth to heaven; fo i£in any arg~tment, we the Minifl:ers could he fnore carnefi & perfwafive.,we had