164 Lawful/ to labour J by fiaud of. fpeech or deed : 4· 1 fourthly ,\vhile we are remiffe in 5. ; meanes of falvation for love of I the world : fiftly ,._ \vhile wee - " are difi:ratled and difcontented \v:ith the things we have. All the world rnay fee our convGrfation · Heb.I3·f· is not -without covctou(nej[c :and where is he that can fay hi~ heart is cleane? Let us therefore bewaile our felves, who thruO: our felves into fnch dangers by fo bafe a vice as fhould bee found Mar,d.3.2.. in none but HeAthenJ & Infidels. u(i 2.. • Alf<? it may moderate ot;r de· Ov(rjoy hghts u1 thefe ounvard thmgs: not thc:fe I We think ou.r fe Ives happy & be-. dangerous . loved ofGod,when wee profpe~ comforts. in the world. We rejpyce in our wealth & in-comes,.andbeare up our head aloft, l>ecaufe wee have g-otten more than rnany o~hers. :But may not many . fee in their wealth, how they have endangered & haz.zardedtheir fouls? How .many do highly conceitofthemfelves, .