Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

for the world: and who. I 7 I wonne Chri!l, :that elleemes all. · things as drojfo ~tnd dung in com parifen of Chrift, PhjJ. 3. y,8· The wife Merchant that found ' . the pearle, loft all to buy it. The Difciplc-s left all for Chrift.. But eafily may we fee, how millions' ef men undervali.te Chrift in. comparifon of the world: for, Fir!l:, what is the cbiefe labour, fl:udie , time, cofis and paines of men employed upon? is it not for the food that perithetb,and profits ofthe world! in the meane time the labour tor I .. that durable food, and the Manna that came downe from heaven, is either none orformall,fieight, feldome~. . . Seco11dly, how .ar-e the affections of men generally bent ? is Chrifl: their chife joy, or treaJure ·? hath nee gained their tneughts ? delight they in his love,more·than in' life? Or fee we ·not the ml)ltitude prefert~e the · I 2 world ., "t ...