Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

who lofe their foaleJ ~--------------- ----- - J. meanes , or again A: good confci- - ence, vi~. either in the ufe ofan .unlawfull calling,or by the abufe ofa law full. Ofthe former fort are f~Khas live by dicing houfes, filthy houfe .~,and the like places ofhclIilh refort, which may be right- · ly called the divells houfes of _ office. And thofe that live by unthriftie gaines, by ufury, ma· gic.ke, making the infl:ruments of pride and finne, or a calling to which they are not fitted, as in- . fufficient Miniflers, who runne but are not fent, becaufe they are not gifted : God need not fend a meffage by the hand ofa fool e. · Ofthe latter fort are, firtl,thofe th(lt enrich themfelves for doing a dutie which they doe nor, as groffe Non·rdidents , that feed f themfeh:es, I: ut not the flocke : t or-for doit~g that they ought not to dce, as Lawyers,who take re- :wardfor pervertings equity and righ t,