Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

for the world. yet fuch is the wealth of ~icked worldl1ngs,who are well-pleafed without any other portion : the curfe ofGod asafparkoffire kindles in that ef.l:ate, and moulders, and·confumes it, that oftentimes not the third or fecond heire rejoyceth in it. And it will bee wifedome to confider, whether fraud and. guile have not brought fuch a. guetl ~B povertie,into many hou- 'fes. looke upon fllifters, game- . H:ers,coufenen,and deceitful perp fons,who by all their trickesan9 fhifts profit themfelves little or not]ling in their eflate , and cannot fbift off contempt, repr®ch, '*and beggerie: and n1any unjufl: perfons who have rifen and 'ruffled by deceitfull courfes, have -as.fuddenly funke and withered;. ' 'nd no reafon could be imagined, bu·c the fal{h'ood of their founda- .tion, and a fecret and infenfible ·cnrfe of Cod , . fretting the very ' timber 18·r