Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Make friends with 1~fa!th. P.srtd, r timber of their houfes; fomedda- times in their o\vne dayes,fomeNr. . times in their heires after them, wafting and confuming as w ic-· kedly and fpeedily as ever their fathers got it ; whereof our age affoordeth many fearefull exam.. pies. Now if God have fpared the arreft ofthofe goods forfeite-d by · falfhood,fpeediiybbour to pre· (vent it by repentance, by mercy, . 1 by refti tution , by reformation. I Nevertrufl: to rife by that,which fo many others fall by. Thinke not' to turne that to a cleare gain, which is to all others a loffe:yea, . and the greatefHo!feto thy felfe, in earthly things andheavenly,jn body and foule,nay~ of body and : foule,whi eh is the greatefl: of"'all : loifes,and moO: irrecoverable. Againe,our care mufi- be,to be: fo far from lofing our foules -. for: the world, as that by the world · we further the falvationofthem~ F:irft, ,