. .Make friends with wealth. Firfl:, for that God g~ves not thefe things as fi1ares and hinde- 1rances, but as ftaves in ou.r hands to he1pe us in our way, and as a ·profperous winde to him. that is failing to heaven•. Secondly-, he bath comman- z· ·ded liS to Ho~:oHr the Lord with ~ ourriches,Pr9.• 3 .9.to ufe them. as our Mafl:ers talents,to ourM·afiers ~dvantage : to ufe them as ·our {ervants :and aflave is intolera~le, when he takes on him to rule the houre, efpecially when a~ arivall ·he wooeth his Mi!lreffe to gaine her love from his Mafter :· fo riches are good fervants, while fervants ; but if they allure the foule, and withdraw the heart from the husband, thev mu£l·oe turned a\vay. · Thirdly , what- a, lamentable 3 _ thing is it, .to pervert the good 1 g.ifts of God to our own~ pe:dinon ?': as for a-glutton ro ktll htm.- · felfe with tliat which ihould preferve