Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

MakefriendJ with wealth. need ? Thirdly, make the puore thy fri~nds, that they may receive thee,by their' prayers, and tefiimonie of thy charity. The loynes and bellies of the ~oore bleffed J~h : Oh11diah fed the_ Prophets ofGod: Dorc111 made garments for th~ poore:: Cornelim his a-lmes came up -before God, and obtained a remembrance. Fourthly , ma·ke a1J men· thy 4: friends; To Jo good lltJd diffri/Juu, forget nBt : for '»'ith fuc-b fotrificn Goa i4 "Wtll-ple~efod, He/J.13.J:6.' Doe good unto 11/1, efpecillliJ the houfhold offaith, Gt~l~ 6. I o. How fit is it,thatthe neceffities of men in want thould' bee relieved by fuch as are laden with fuperfluico . tie~,~o this very end,to doe. good to others ?~ -- far· the gathering of wealth lhould be like the gathe. ring ot Manmt ( €'xod. I 6. r 7.). whereoffotpegathered more,and fome leffe, but fo as bee that gathered more, had no overplus, and ;o ,